"Further Review Required"

<p>So I see that McGill apps are underway for review.
What exactly does "Further Review Required" mean?
Is it that they are in the process of reviewing it, or does it mean something like they do not have proper supporting documents.</p>

<p>I sent a transcript with 1st semester grades in December, but my second doesnt end till friday (so my mid-years will arrive sometime in like 2 weeks).</p>

<p>I sent ACT a while back and they have my transcript so basically I am wondering if this is the message everyone has on their Minerva page or if it says it for me because my "midyear" grades arent sent yet (just because the semester isnt over yet).</p>

<p>Can people get accepted before sending midyear grades?</p>

<p>Bigtwix: The message almost certainly means that Admissions has not received your mid-year grades (2nd semester grades). They definitely want to see those grades before making a final decision, as the freshman and sophomore grades
are not important.</p>

<p>Until two years ago, US students did not hear until April, all on the same date.
Every applicant had time to get their mid-year grades in before decisions were made and all the Minerva accounts said Further Review Required until the mid-year grades were submitted. The message then changed to Decision Pending. Hope this is reassuring, just be sure your GC sends in the transcript as soon as it is available-- mail to Montreal can take7-10 days.</p>

<p>McGill does not play games or try to make you feel better with their messages.
If you are not admitted the message will change to something like "Does Not Meet Academic Standards". When you are admitted it will state simply "Admitted-with conditions". The conditions are that you have to graduate from High School and be close to maintaining your GPA, but students always flip-out because "conditions" are not defined on Minerva.</p>

<p>mcgill requires mid year-report? is that just first semester transcript?</p>

<p>generally yes.
At my school we are on a 4x4 schedule.
I guess we have 4 semesters you could call it cause we have 4 classes with midterms in november, then finals in january, then 4 new classes.</p>

<p>For me, midyear includes the 2nd semester, which i finish friday.</p>

<p>Thank you, w/o college confidential and your knowledge i would be freaking out about that status</p>

<p>BIGTWIX, when did you send your application in? Mine has been under "ready for review" for like 2 months now, and I just sent in my 1st semester grades</p>

<p>I sent finished the app part in late november, had my ACT scores in by december 5th, and sent my transcript and had it in by december 15. Although that was "semester 1" out of 4. My second semester ends tommorow, and I can send my transcripts next friday. Im assuming it says "further review required" because, although my stuff is in, I don't think they will continue looking at my app till my second semester grades are sent.</p>

<p>McGill just got my midyear report yesterday, now they have everything on the list of requirements.</p>

<p>How long should it take to have a decision from them????</p>

<p>^Same question :)</p>

<p>For my case, only one day. Just keep your finger crossing.....</p>

<p>One day after the school received your grades ? :O</p>

<p>after 7-10 days of mail, how long does it take mcgill to change the status of received grades after they receive them? immediately or after 3 weeks, as the site says? because it sure is a big difference.</p>

<p>Usually takes them around a week to change the status on the website</p>

<p>I would say you shouldn't expect anything until February (at least). You will MOST LIKELY hear back by mid-late feb (assuming all your stuff is in, or coming in).</p>

<p>Is anyone else's status still "Ready for Review"? I applied in December...Supposedly they change to "Further Review Required" soon after Jan. 15th. I hope my app isn't messed up or lost or something...</p>

<p>Mine is.. I applied WAYY early</p>

<p>don't stress about this. I had "Ready for Review" until early/mid January and the Further Review Required until they got my midyear grades in mid February about 4 days after they had my midyears I had my decision.</p>

<p>That's awesome. I'm excited for my midyear to come out and send it in. In my opinion, McGill's total no-BS application process rocks. No essay, no arbitrary character evaluation...just numbers. So if you look good on paper, you have an excellent chance.</p>

<p>I second elessar's experience. My midyears came out, and either the next day, or two days later I had my decisions. I remember that day vividly, it rocked.</p>

<p>My application status says “Further Review Required”, and they were waiting to receive my Mid-term grades.
These grades came in on February 19th, 2009, and it is now the 26th.
Several threads say that many others got their decision just days after the mid-term grades arrived, and it’s been over a week for me.</p>

<p>Should I be concerned? :(</p>