Future FA elegibility question...

<p>Okay, so I'll be attending UNC next year. My FA award is for the full cost ($14,720 in grants + $2,700 for work study). By the time I graduate from undergrad school I plan to have at least $10,000 saved up. I was just wondering whether having a few thousand dollars in stocks and the like would have any effect on my financial aid eligibility in future years at UNC.</p>

<p>Yes, it will affect your EFC for FAFSA. Students have no asset protection allowance and any assets they have are assessed at 20%. So, if you have $8K in savings in your junior year, when you file FAFSA your EFC will be increased by $1600.</p>

<p>can you link me to somewhere I can read up on that?</p>

<p>nvm, i found it…
so basically i should try to keep all my investments in my dad’s name until grad school… i should hopefully be able to work that out…</p>