Future Nurse Anesthetists!

Hey, does anybody that is the class of 2020 want to be a nurse anesthetist eventually? According to the AANA, by 2025 all nurse anesthesia programs have to be doctorate programs, most are masters now. Can’t decide if this is a good or bad thing because more schooling=more expertise, but more schooling also = more time until you reach your goal. Also, anyone in a program before 2025 will be “grandfathered in” meaning you can get your masters and don’t have to go back for the doctorate. Thoughts?

My sister, who has been a RN for a major hospital for 40 years, said right now there is much more demand in PA. for Nurse Practitioners than Nurse Anesthesiologists.

I’m considering it. I don’t know, I have not even began undergrad nursing yet. i’ve onyl just been accepted to some schools. I have put very little thought into which area I want to specialize in, but anesthesia, midwifery, pediatric nurse practioner, psychiatric nurse practioner, forensic nurse, and family nurse practioner have all been high on my list.

I think most Nurse Practioner/ Advanced Practice Nursing programs will be making the switch to doctorate degrees within the next few years, actually.

super late to this but if the 2025 thing is true it doesn’t affect us right? assuming we go to grad school for masters relatively soon after undergrad
and yes im very interested in becoming a nurse anesthetist