Future Nursing Major!! Chance me for Udel, UMass, Uconn, etc.

Hi I’m a junior who lives in NY. I was wondering if you can chance me for some nursing programs. Here are my stats (not trying to brag or anything, just solely for chancing me)

Grade: 11
Race: Asian
GPA: 3.8
SAT: took it twice so far, plan on taking it again in October for a third time, aiming for a 2000+ score
December 2014: 1740
cr: 550
m: 590
w: 600, 11 essay

March 2015: 1810
cr: 620
m: 610
w: 580, 8 essay

SAT SuperScore: 1830
ACT: planning to take it next week in April, will most likely get around a 25-27. Target score: 30
Extracurriculars: Spanish Club, Interact Club (volunteering based), Red Cross Club (VP position),
Honor Societies: National Honors Society, Mu Alpha Theta, Foreign Language Honors Society, English Honors Society (for three years now, I’ll get in again for my senior year)
Volunteering: at my local church, I’m also volunteering at my local hospital this summer.
AP classes: AP World History, AP US History, AP Physics, AP Literature. I’m planning to take AP Bio, AP Calc AB, AP Lang, and maybe AP Stats for my senior year.
Honors/Accelerated Classes: I’m a year ahead in English and Math. I’ve taken all honors English classes, and honors Spanish classes that are correlated with 8 SUNY college credits.
College Essays: I’ve already practiced with my english teacher, so I think I’ll be able to ace this.
Letters of Recommendation: I already have some good options so there’s no doubt about getting a bad letter or anything.

What are my chances for University of Delaware’s nursing program? That’s definitely one of my top schools. My other schools include Temple University, UConn, UMass Amherst, Northeastern, Villainova, U of Rhode Island, SUNY Binghamton, Drexel University, Adelphi University, Rutgers, TCNJ.

I know nursing is such a competitive field nowadays and I always have this fear in my mind that I won’t even get into any direct programs because of the program class sizes being so small.

Do I have what it takes to get into UD? And are my other choices realistic for me?

If you or your son/daughter goes to any of the schools I listed, I would greatly appreciate some feedback of what you think of the school and why you chose it!

Thank you very much!

IMHO I feel that with the stats/info you presented (especially if you can achieve your target SAT/ACT scores) that you would be competitive for Nursing admission for most all the schools on your list. All of them are highly regarded in the Nursing educational community.The NJ schools might be a little more difficult because as State Schools they accept an overwhelming majority of in-state students (and I believe Rutgers-NB has a very small freshman nursing class of around 40). Binghamton has an excellent Nursing Program and as a NY state resident perhaps this might increase your chances. Villanova and Northeastern might be a little more of a reach for you with your curent scores.

UD is unique among Flagship State Universites in that over 2/3rds of the student body is made up of OOS residents so it has more of a feel in a number of ways of being a private university as compared to a state school. Even though UD may give priority to in-state applicants 2/3rds of the freshman Nursing class (usually a total of around 130-140 students) is made up of OOS students. Competition for the OOS slots is very competitive and a little less than 20% of OOS applicants are accepted. Facilities are excellent and UD has its own Nurse Managed Healthcare Center. The program tends to be a little more academic in focus and prepares students well for graduate nursing programs. IMHO I feel you are currently competitive for admission to UD and if you can reach your target SAT/ACT scores I feel that you would have no problem being accepted (obviously no guarantee). If you can reach these scores you might even want to consider applying to the Honors Program. Good luck.

@Mwallenmd Thank you very much!! I’m really trying to get into UD’s Nursing. Binghamton’s nursing program is highly selective with only 90 students or even lower. Although it’s an option, it’ll be very difficult for me to get into. If I can get into UD, I’m set. Thank you for the information!!