Future Wildcat Baby! '11

<p>I’VE MADE MY DECISION AND I’M GOING TO BE A WILDCAT BABY!!! '11 Who’s with me!?!?!</p>

<p>My daughter is already there. She loves it. Congratulations to you!</p>

<p>I hope to be there soon to...I had to send them my 7th semester grades before they made a decision, but if everything goes well...it's zona for me as welll :)</p>

<p>Thanks lalady I'm really excited!!! Flootloop I also received the wildcat excellence scholarship but I'm sorry I don't know anything about how U of A works their honors college. I hope to see you flootloop and also you amc there next year!!! Congrats you guys!!!</p>

<p>Lalady I have a quick question for you.... I didn't look around tucson that much but what I saw it looked very dirty and run down... Was it just the street that I was on or is that tucson as a whole???</p>

<p>Flootloop I actually didn't even apply to U of A's honors college so I don't have an answer to any of your questions... sorry. I've heard great things about their honors college though!! Good luck though and I hope to see a thread later on saying that you were admitted to their honors college! </p>

<p>I have a question for you though... Have you looked at the campus and Tucson? If so, I didn't look around tucson that much but what I saw it looked very dirty and run down... Was it just the street that I was on or is that tucson as a whole???</p>

<p>Everyone is considered for the honors college, no application needed. It would be on your acceptance letter if in but you can always get in after one semester with I believe a 3.7 GPA but check the site to be sure of the GPA.Congratulations on your scholarship!</p>

<p>Oh awesome thanks for the information arizonamom. Arizonamom do you know anything about Tucson???</p>

<p>Tucson is very nice in some parts...but a lot of it is also very hood.</p>

<p>I think my brother may be at UofA in the fall as well ... he was accepted into the honors program and will be getting a full ride OOS. </p>

<p>We'll be visiting in late march.</p>

<p>flootloop - My D got the honors invite a couple of weeks after the ASU acceptance and scholarship offer.</p>

<p>After visiting last week im almost 100% sure i will be attending the U of A next year,just gotta make the enrollment deposit,so Go Wildcats!!</p>

<p>Tucson is beautiful surrounded by mountains in every direction. Lots of hiking, biking, a 9,000 ft mt to cool off on with a tiny ski area but cute village. My daughter went to college in San Diego and transferred back to the honors college here. She actually missed Tucson and the friendly, casual,laid back atmosphere here/</p>

<p>Congrats! I hope to make a post like this someday!</p>

<p>My daughter and I visited the UofA a couple of weeks ago, she's been accepted and she has her heart set on going there. I'm glad to see there are some others going there from the Northeast. It's a long plane ride for us out of Albany.</p>

<p>Oh that's awesome Barbpol tell your daughter I said congrats! Ya I'm from Pennsylvania and I lovedddd U of A so I think she made a great decision!</p>

<p>Its offical,im going to U of A!!! cant wait and btw barbpol im from northern NJ and it seems like their are a ton of kids from our area going to U of A</p>

<p>I've seen a lot of people in the facebook group that are headed to 'Zona from NJ</p>

<p>Looks like I'll be joining you all as well. I'm from New Mexico, so it's not as long a hike, but I'm just as excited as the rest of you. Congrats to all my fellow Wildcats and I hope to see you all at Freshman Orientation, and hopefully see you all in the Honors Dorms!</p>

<p>lol im not going to be in the honors dorm thats for sure</p>

<p>im with you AMC</p>