FYE "Transition to Major" process?

My son was accepted to Purdue this fall into FYE. He wants to major in computer engineering. According to the site, it seems like if you do OK, you’re likely to get into your first choice major. Appears most kids get into what they want. Is that true? Also, does anyone know what majors are the most competitive? Thanks. https://engineering.purdue.edu/ENE/Academics/FirstYear/T2M

I think the link you attached answers a lot of your questions. My D, class of 2013, had to choose her top 3 choices the beginning of her second semester freshmen year. She wanted to be a Chemical Engineering major and did get her first choice but she had a pretty strong GPA after her first year. At the time the most impacted majors were Biomed and ChemE. They required at least a 3.2 GPA first semester to be considered and good grades in a general Chemistry course. From the attachment it seems that the impacted majors are pretty similar today though I imagine they won’t know for sure until they get the student preferences and grades.

We are also curious about this, as well. I’d love hear from current Engineering students about the Transition to Major and whether any had difficulty getting into their specific major.

When I attended a COE information session this past October, we were told – by COE staff and engineering students participating in the program – that if you have a 3.25 GPA, you are pretty much assured of getting into your top choice of major/department. I don’t recall whether the GPA was at the end of the Fall Semester or the end of the first year.

^^^They will send out their decisions after grades come out in May.