<p>Employers</a> Prefer Hiring From State Schools - WSJ.com</p>
<p>[Is</a> college worth the cost? – amFIX - CNN.com Blogs](<a href=“http://amfix.blogs.cnn.com/2010/06/29/is-college-worth-the-cost/]Is”>http://amfix.blogs.cnn.com/2010/06/29/is-college-worth-the-cost/)</p>
<p>state schools might give you more for less, but ivy leagues will get you more $$</p>
<p>^ Yes, but with UT you get the best of both worlds, at least for chemical/petroleum engineering. That’s why I came to UT from out of state! I’m pretty sure UT ChemE graduates get paid more than MIT/Berkeley/Stanford ChemE graduates, on average.</p>
<p>Seems to me that this is rating which schools are closest to a vocational school. I would be interested to see how these “top” schools’ graduates moved up in their companies and how many win awards and are distinguished in their field. Learning a specific skill is nice, but I’ll take a more broad, mind enriching education that allows me to critically think over a narrow degree teaching me one or two skills.</p>
<p>lol -
“are closest to a vocational school”
I did post on wrong university… but that is just funny</p>