<p>Does anyone know how to get an account without having to wait for an invite or something?</p>
<p>i can give you one</p>
<p>whats your email?</p>
<p>I've got 50 invites, hit me up if you need one.</p>
<p>how you get 50?</p>
<p>Theres a site that has 200,000 or so that gives em out for free- catch is, you send 2 back to them, or something like that. Its pretty cool. I could also send you one, but ask ieatglue first- hes got far mor than I do.</p>
<p>I probably have something like 150, I just don't don't really check my other 2 gmail accounts. I've had it for a really long time, and they just showed up.</p>
<p>Heh- never mind. I have 50 too. How did that happen? Last I check I had 9. Are they trying to expand faster now?</p>
<p>apparently, i've invited about 9 (out of like a dozen) people now. i had only like 3 last week, now i also have 50</p>
<p>Can anyone give me an invite?!</p>
<p>what's your email? i have 150 to burn.</p>