GA Tech Class of 2025 EA1 and EA2

Wow, this forum is quiet. I’m surprised no one has started an EA thread yet. Here goes: EA1 for in-state applicants to GA Tech was due Oct 15, and EA2 for OOS applicants is due November 2. My D21 (OOS) submitted her app this past weekend. We are aware it is a reach.

My D21’s general stats:

SAT: 1590 (800 Math; 790 EBRW)
GPA: 4.72
Major: Computer Science

Best of luck to everyone applying for the class of 2025!

My D is applying…

ACT 35
SAT 1550 with 800 on math section
4.0 UW 4.8 W
Calc BC done and currently taking IB HL Math
Major: Something bio or chem because her ECs demonstrate that.

Looking at Naviance she should have an excellent chance, but GT is getting harder and harder.

Naviance often offers false hope so don’t get hung up on that. But she does have fantastic academic scores going for her. How rigorous are the APs and how many are there? Are the ECs substantial and varied in nature? Any leadership positions? Any research? Relevant job/internship? You are correct – this school gets more competitive every year, and OOS applicants have the deck stacked against them. All you can do is prepare as well as you possibly can, apply, and hope for the best. It’s a huge win for those who get in.

DS applied too:

SAT 800 CM 750 EBRW (taken once, Aug of tenth grade)
SAT Subj tests Math II 800, Chem 800
GPA - all As except for a B in 9th grade
7 AP’s (mainly STEM) all 5s
competitive HS
AIME 10 2x
some community service perhaps a bit light here
strong courses taken MultiVar, Machine Learning, etc
Research - physics and math
captain in JV in his sport, probably would have been captain this year but Covid…
captain of math club
did 6 weeks abroad with NSLIY
should have decent recs and essays are pretty good I think
was able to take the ACT last week…still waiting

@AlwaysMoving My D21 is one of only two students from her school to apply to GA Tech ever, and the other student was not accepted, so Naviance is no help to us at all! Good luck to your daughter!

S21 submitted his application a few days ago.

SAT 1500 (780 math)
4.0 UW 4.9 W
Excelled in AP Physics 1/2, AP Physics C and AP Calc BC. Taking MV now.
Engineering major

According to Naviance, its a low reach. He’s coming from a public high school that doesn’t send many kids there (maybe 3-4 in the past ten years), so we’ll see.

Good luck to everyone!

My son has applied
ACT 36
GPA 3.98UW, 4.69 W
12 APs 4 &5s
College Math completed: Multivariable, Differential Equations & Linear Algebra - All As
College CompSci: Python, C++ & Java - All As
College Econ: Micro & Macro Econ - All As

Applied to CS

Works as Math tutor @ Mathnasium + Own software consultancy
7+ years of Musical instrument - Youth Symphony
Regular community service.

Good Luck everyone

Your daughter has excellent stats. It is also helpful that she is a daughter - as admission rates for women are quite a bit higher at Tech than they are for men. With an overall admission rate of 21%, the breakdown was 17% for men and 28% for women. Good luck!

Finally got his ACT back and he got a 36…it is not too much better than his SAT but every little bit helps I hope…

My daughter applied EA2

SAT 1570 (790 math 780 ebrw) one take October 2019
SAT Bio 800, Math 2 790 (took freshman year with no prep, never bothered retaking)
4.0 uw, 4.76 w
Took AP Calc AB and AP Bio sophomore year. Calc BC completed last year, now taking online MV class. She has also taken AP Chem, and AP Physics C Mechanics… Currently enrolled in AP CS, AP Physics C E&M

Biomedical Engineering

Varied extracurriculars… performing arts, newspaper editor, some science research

Based on Naviance she has a good chance of getting in, but you never know…,

In state son applied for business. 35 ACT, unweighted 3.98, essays are quite good, unremarkable activities/volunteerism (year round athlete, no leadership positions). He is a legacy so I think his worst case scenario is the conditional pathway but hoping for admission! Hopefully in state business applicant will help - I assume fewer applications than for engineering. I guess we will know on 12/4!!!

@VirginiaBelle is 12/4 the date they will release EA In-state notifications? I had heard mid-december as the vague timeline, but have not looked recently.

Just saw the update on the website, yes definitely 12/4. Thanks much!

Very good luck to you. You are an extremely strong candidate and very accomplished. GA Tech is not a safety for anyone except vals and sals unfortunately. There is always the instate kids who didn’t get into Tech that got into MIT . . . which needless to say is not a terrible position to be in except for expense! You have a better chance than most of us though!

@VirginiaBelle I completely agree with you that Tech cannot be considered a safety for almost all applicants even the ones in Tech distance math.

However, for on-campus DE students, the statistic they showed us on the slides at orientation for on-campus dual enrollment students is that around 95% of us are admitted as first-years. The AO’s specifically told us that as long as we maintain decent grades in our GT classes then there should be no admissions problem.

@terry0618 certainly true. They do have a holistic admissions process for every application (unlike UGA which admits very high stat kids on academic review only), so they read all essays/recs etc. Assuming no red flags on those you are good!

That’s impressive! Would you be a junior or sophomore?

If you come in as a junior it would be tough to turn down GT at the low instate price for 2 years and then go on to grad school.

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So can anyone explain how the GT EA admissions process compares to that of UGA? In-state EA1 applicant here. It seems that at UGA, they make EA decisions primarily on the strength of recalculated UGA GPA, and only a small number of files get a full read at this stage. Deferred at UGA because my old HS didn’t offer IB/APs so my GPA was capped. I think someone said earlier they read each file at GT for this round? Thanks.

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I am considered a junior since I would have 70 credit hours but gt isn’t really my first choice because I didn’t vibe with the school that much during my two years there

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Can you elaborate on what you did not vibe with? Useful info for others that are considering GT. Thanks