GA Tech Class of 2025 EA1 and EA2

Thank you very much. I will check.

Did anyone without the pay now button get in during EA1?

I dont think so just praying for a defferal

I don’t know about this year’s EA1 but I was looking at last years’ thread and despite not scrolling all the way down, I found 2 people who got in without having the pay now button.


Let’s keep our fingers crossed

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Call me weird but I’d take a rejection over a deferral because I don’t want to go through the same thing again in March (?) only to get rejected ultimately.


Did you see any change in your oscar. For me it’s now taking a survey.

I haven’t checked. Hold up

But I always did have a survey

Is it now in bold red letters

I just checked, there are no significant changes that I can notice.
Yes, it was always formatted that way.

Ok . Less than one hour

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Well, I would say a deferral might be a positive sign for your other applications.

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lol guys just keep praying

My other applications?

Like other universities.

I haven’t gotten deferred from any of the 7 places I heard back from (1 rejection though).

They are updating it at totally different times for everyone, and i dont think its possible they just reviewed your app now…so I think we should just wait for the decision

For the people that get in, would you mind putting your stats on here. This would be very helpful for RD applicants.

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It’d be helpful even if those that got rejected/deferred uploaded their stats lol (that is if they’re comfortable with it)