GA Tech Class of 2025 EA1 and EA2

Both instate and OOS EA applicants are eligible but there are different notification dates (since OOS EA hasn’t been released yet). I would assume OOS will be notified shortly after the EA decisions are announced.

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Best of luck! My oldest went through the Jefferson application process and one of my senior son’s good friends is going through the Morehead right now. She is in GT early but the Morehead would be hard to turn down. Stamps would be amazing but as an in state student GT is very hard to beat if you want to be an engineer.

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My D does feel a sense of relief having UGA and GT as options. We are hopeful for good news about honors at UGA tomorrow. I saw a Twitter or blog about GT EA acceptances that pointed out the % of females and to College of Sciences among other stats… so if those are institutional priorities it helped my D as a chem major (premed). Without a doubt it helped that she did not apply for Eng or CS!

She recently finalized her Johnson, Robertson, Belk and Duke (scholarship at Davidson) applications. We are hopeful but not overly optimistic since she is your “average” strong applicant… no “wow” standout achievements. She was surprised to get the school nominations (where that applies).


GT admit rates are definitely higher for females. It is a great school! Where does she want to go and what does she want to do? All of those schools were off the list for both of my boys. My oldest is at Tech and he thinks it still seems small. He was a Jefferson nominee and went thru the process and loved UVA but GT was a better fit. One of his best friends is at Emory and says it feels tiny. My current senior was not interested in any of them - wanted a D1 school with fraternities and sports. Honestly it is really hard to beat an in state admit with free tuition to UGA or GT.

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Waiting on UGA honors tomorrow :slight_smile:
I’m well aware STAMPS is out of my reach since I was barely admitted (summer '21) in the first place.


Are you in state? If so you have half of stamps already with free tuition . You have to pay for room and board your first year. Best deal in town. It is around 1200 a semester.

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yes in state

Yes! Having UGA or GT as options when she thinks she wants med school is hard to beat. She would really like to go farther from home but understands she will need good merit for us to consider the additional cost. We’d like to hold back funds to help her with med school.

Her top choice is Davidson, but she is applying widely since she is chasing merit. She plans to major in Chem and minor in Communications (or something along those lines).

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@VirginiaBelle my daughter was nominated for the Jefferson scholarship by her HS, and recently found out that she has moved on to regional level and will be having an interview in January. What was your son’s experience with the interview process?


An unexpected surprise this morning… my D was selected a semifinalist in the Stamps President’s & Gold Scholars Programs. Hoping more good news this afternoon from UGA. :slight_smile:


Wow! Very impressive! Sounds like she will have a lot of choices. Several of my high school friends went to Davidson and loved it! Best of luck to her :slight_smile:

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My son went through the interviews but was not selected as a finalist for finalist weekend. Every area may be different but he went to a law firm where he was interviewed by several panelists. That is all I remember about the process. This interview was the same day he found out about Georgia Tech so he went down to the bookstore and bought himself some swag :slight_smile:

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@VirginiaBelle Thanks for the info! A couple more questions: what kind of questions did they ask? How many rounds of interviews are there before the finalists are invited to UVA?

As far as questions, 'm sure it varies from interviewer to interviewer. Every region is different. Some just have one regional interview before the invitation to finalist weekend and others have two. The Jefferson scholarship is completely independent from admissions. Here is their page which may answer questions.

My oldest loved UVA - good luck to your daughter!


@VirginiaBelle thanks… Yes, I have looked at their website. My daughter wasn’t going to apply to UVA until her HS nominated her for the scholarship… she is actually excited about the interview process now!


Well facepalmwarrior??? Did you get in?

My DD Is OOS as well
Biomedical Engineering
Top 5% out of class of 780 students
36 ACT
UW GPA of 3.98 W of 4.7
11 AP classes (4’s and 5’s except for one 3)
4 hours of dual enrollment credit, and currently taking 4 more hours this year
Soccer player
Lots of community service
Leadership role in large high school club
Worked about 10-15 hrs per week at an Escape room the last 1.5 years

About 3 kids from her class have gotten accepted to GA Tech the last 7 years in a row- however, no indication of degree programs they were accepted into. Not counting on history repeating itself, but staying hopeful it is a good sign that admissions officers are aware how competitive our school is. I think all bets are off in 2020 though with test optional and HUGE increase in number of applicants

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My DD is a freshman at UGA. Last fall, Honors was indicated on your acceptance letter. It you didn’t automatically get in, you had to fill out application that was due in Dec. My daughter got in, but did not hear back on Honors until March

OOS Applying Georgia Tech :slight_smile:

4.61 W/3.92 UW GPA
SAT: 1520 (800 Math, 720 EBRW)
11 Total Ap classes (6 scores): 5s in Calc BC, AB, and Human Geography, 4s in AP Physics 1 and APES and a 3 in Lang
also 10 early college program classes (take GEs at community college)
ECs are STEM research, a niche activity, and other clubs/music

I am aware it’s a reach.


@Alamere Good luck! Did you apply EA2?