Gaels advance to the dance!!!!!!

<p>Whooooooooooohhhhhhhoooooooooooooooo defeating Gonzaga 81-62 SMC men sealed a guaranteed bid into the NCAA tournament and ended a 6 game loosing streak against GU. For those of you considering SMC, even if you have never attended a basketball game in your life, there is nothing like the excitement of watching a D1 bball game in McKeon Pavilion! (one of the best collegiate venues in which to watch a game nationwide)</p>

<p>Gotta say that beating the Zags made this that much better!!!</p>

<p>I watched the game on ESPN last night…very exciting and wonderful to see Saint Mary’s win after not being able to beat Gonzaga in such a long time! Today must be a great day on campus.</p>

<p>campbellmom: fb statuses were all about the honking of horns and whoo hooing out the windows :smiley: !! The Gonzaga rivalry has surpassed even the Santa Clara one in many ways and this victory was/is terribly exciting.</p>

<p>D1 was there in Las Vegas playing in the sports band and even got a bit of face time during an inbound play. After driving all night with a car full of band kids she is safely back at SMC but what an experience for her!</p>

<p>historymom, I knew she was there…I saw your other post about her going with the band. My younger one was watching with me, and said “mom how do the students get to leave school to go to Las Vegas?” I told her they must get an excused absence or just take the time anyway. </p>

<p>Glad your D is thriving there and making the most of her college experience! This experience will always be a treasured memory for her.</p>

<p>Congrats to all Gaels fans!</p>

<p>I was at the games in Providence (am local fan of host school).</p>

<p>Your team very quickly became a crowd favorite with their style of play.</p>

<p>Now take care of Baylor!</p>

<p>Why thank you MADad. We are hoping for big wins in Houston as well! This is such a thrill! D was in Providence and is now deciding if she will go to Houston too.</p>

<p>In a year when Northern Iowa beats Kansas, then anything can happen: GO GAELS!</p>

<p>So what do you think will happen to SMC’s yield for '10 and applications for '11?</p>

<p>Dang! Didnt think about that. Looks like my D will have a lot more competition when she applies this year :(</p>

<p>My son will be among the competitors!</p>

<p>We feel fortunate to have found Saint Mary’s last summer before it hit the national headlines with the basketball team making the NCAA’s. S was accepted EA and is looking forward to the Overnight for Admitted Students in April.</p>

<p>campbellmom is he a basketball fan?</p>

<p>D is hosting kids for the overnight. It was the deal maker for her last year. She came home very enthusiastic and she is typically very low key so I knew it was likely. For her twin sister there was no doubt. She came home with a t-shirt and a window decal for my truck :)</p>

<p>shrinkwrap and kumitedad I hope that if it is the school either of them truely wants that it happens for them. It really has been a great spot for my girls. </p>

<p>DS is just a high school frosh but he has his sights set on SMC too.</p>

<p>historymom, he’s not too much of a basketball fan now but he used to play when he was younger, and I’m sure he will become one if he attends SMC. His main sport is soccer.</p>

<p>My guy is pretty social and I think the overnight will be a lot of fun for him. He says he is going to Saint Mary’s so I think we are done, except we have yet to hear about the financial aid and figure out how exactly we will swing this.</p>

<p>campbellmom, my sons “thing” is soccer too. He has made GREAT gains this junior year, seemingly JUST so he can play soccer in college. I’d LOVE to hear your son’s opinion, as St. Mary’s is not on HIS soccer radar, but it’s on mine. Sonoma is on his radar.</p>

<p>Hi Shrinkrap, S joined a very high level soccer team last summer (ranked in top 10 in Norcal) and has had a wonderful experience. He was very upset last weekend when they lost their third game of State Cup which means they can’t advance to the next round. His team will continue to practice for those on the team that will/might play in college.</p>

<p>S sometimes mentions walking on but he definitely will stay “in the game” either at a club or intramural level. The next step is up to him. We have been supporting his soccer passion since he was 10 and now whatever he wants to do is up to him. </p>

<p>Let me know how your son fares with his soccer/college aspirations.</p>

<p>Oh wow…could our sons be on the same team? Too weird…But your son is a senior? And my sons team is advancing…but they dropped from “State Cup”, to gold last weekend , to …silver THIS weekend!! Aaargh! </p>

<p>I want “club” in college but he’s not ready to accept that.</p>

<p>No juniors on my S’s team that I know of, but our sons do sound similar! I would be very happy with club soccer in college and hope S pursues it. I would encourage your S’s dreams because if he doesn’t try, he’ll never know.</p>

<p>I will be watching b-ball on Friday instead of soccer when I watch the Gaels take on Baylor! It’s fun to see a small school like Saint Mary’s get its share of the limelight. I understand it’s the only West Coast school to make it to the Sweet 16 Round!</p>

<p>Have fun! I think we will be watching Duke/Perdue ( D is at Duke). Oh, and hoping for norcal state cup semi-finals Sat and Sunday.</p>

<p>P.S. Did your son do the “recruit me” thing? At St. Mary’s, SCU, or Sonoma? I’d love to hear about it!</p>

<p>Shrinkrap, S played in CYSA State Cup not NorCal. Good luck to your S this weekend! I will try and PM you more about soccer so we don’t hijack this thread about SMC and basketball.</p>

<p>Go Duke and SMC!</p>

<p>Shrinkrap, I sent you a PM. Let me know if you got it…the sent box always shows zero and this really frustrates me because I can’t figure out if my message was actually sent or not.</p>