<p>I still need to apply for housing. I understand that I'm probably going to end up in a ****ty room, but whatever.</p>
<p>I don't know how to decide, so any input would help.</p>
<p>Here's what I'm looking for:</p>
<p>While a luxurious (as luxurious as college housing can get) pch room would be great, I don't particularly mind living in a closet. I'd prefer a nice suite just to be able to study in my room, but with a small room, I'll just go to the library.</p>
<p>I want to be in a room (pch or university housing) that is close to a library or a study area (Illini's floor study lounge is connected to the entertainment lounge... erm fail? And its "THINK" area is tiny and looks inadequate).</p>
<p>I don't want a lot of noise. No constant raucous partying.</p>
<p>Single room, preferably.</p>
<p>I prefer to have a full gym (not Armory's one treadmill/one elliptical ****), but if the room is close to a recreation center, that's fine too.</p>
<p>Fooooood. Must be clean as in as close to organic as possible. I know, I know. Organic is a bourgeois demand. I want at least a focus on health. No crap foods.</p>
<p>Cost... would prefer cheap, of course, and not Hendrick's 17k West prices. I'm considering getting the cheapest room possible and getting really gritty with this college thing, but I don't want to have a mental breakdown. But maybe that's part of "this college thing".</p>
<p>Social atmosphere. Would prefer to be among academically-focused people who are creative in various ways (business, art, writing, etc.). I want to meet people and not have barriers, architectural or otherwise.</p>
<p>AND GOD DAMMIT I WANT MY OWN BATHROOM (or a semi-private).</p>
<p>And some of the pch makes me uncomfortable. Specifically, Newman and the other religious ones. I think Presby is affiliated as well.</p>
<p>So basically: proximity to gym, library (or pch with gym/study), kitchen</p>