Gaining ma ma/pa's trust

how does one go about gaining there parents trust? It’s a long story, but i’m not allowed to even have any android cords in my room!

I would begin by addressing whatever it was (if anything) that made them lose their trust in you in the first place. If you genuinely do not have a clue what that was, begin the conversation by asking them.

Whether you have lost trust or not yet gained it, it starts with a conversation, where you listen- both to the words and what is under the words. Ask questions- in a polite, neutral way.

If it’s that you have not yet gained it (ie, they think you are too young), gather information: ask (neutrally!) what they see as when the right time is / what things will give them confidence in you, etc.

If you are the oldest, be aware that the process of letting go and stepping back is a learning one for parents. They may genuinely not know the answers to the questions you ask, because they are learning how to parent a young adult for the first time: they are feeling their way forward in the unknown with you, If you have younger siblings be aware that they will think that they are setting a precedent.

In almost every case, parents worry a lot about their teenagers navigating these tricky years safely. The protective parental impulses that kept you safe as a baby, a toddler, a little kid, etc. don’t magically disappear in one go. Now, as a teenager, the stakes are higher (there are more ways you can get into difficulties that are hard to fix) and their ability to protect you (from the world and yourself) is less.

Recognizing the legitimacy of their general parental anxiety, and their particular worries is a first step- and demonstrates growing maturity. Working with them to find mutually agreeable solutions is how you get there.