<p>I have heard that most Tisch film production courses are off-limits for Gallatin students. I applied with a proposed concentration in film production and European history and am a bit nervous at my chances getting in... I mentioned film production obviously and now figure they'll toss my application in the decline pile because Gallatin isn't intended for students like that. Was just wondering if anyone had experience or knew someone who actually did do film classes as a Gallatin student.</p>
<p>Do not worry! Tisch offers a special program called “open arts” for NON-tisch majors. Many Gallitan students take courses in that program in general, as they offer a wide range of courses in the arts. My son, a freshman at Gallitan, just got approved for a minor in Producing. Even if you cannot get an official minor in film production, Gallitan is very big on self-designed independent study courses and internships so you can gain the experience you want in any field. It will not harm your application in any way.</p>