<p>Hey, I was wondering if having a Bachelors in Computer Science would be good enough to have a job in the more "technical" portion of the Game industry?</p>
<p>i’m not entirely sure, but i know 2 people that went to school for game design and are currently unemployed. so it’s not like there are endless job opportunities waiting for you in the video game industry</p>
<p>Rahmel, what jackbauer24 said about game design is more true than not for the design fields in the video game industry. This is absolutely not the case for the more technical positions like programmer. If you go to any of your favorite game companies websites and check out the job offers you can always see a programming spot open and they usually only ask for a BS/BA in CS along with lots of experience. My old school used to have video game companies recruiting so it’s a field that is alive and well.</p>
<p>Good luck!</p>