<p>I was planning on taking a course in game theory while I'm here at Cal but don't really know which one to choose or which one is the most helpful, intensive, etc.</p>
<p>There are three main ones that I've noticed:
1) Business 134 - Game theory and business decisions
2) Economics C110 - Game Theory in the social sciences
3) Statistics 155 - Game Theory
(Edit: Changed from Stat 134. Stat 134 is the prereq for 155).</p>
<p>What are the opinions of these courses? Are they helpful/applicable in real life? Which one would you recommend?</p>
<p>there is a starcraft decal next semester that does more than teach you the game, but uses the game as an avenue to teach you about game theory. you might want to check that out.</p>
<p>in cs3L, the final project is on computational game theory. there is a course called gamescrafters, which is what that final project was based on.</p>
<p>@seanml9, I just happened to be at the right place at the right time. I met one of the people who were going to lead the class. He was VERY passionate about the topic, which (imo) is a good thing to have in a decal.</p>
<p>On one of my mid-terms I wrote about “game theory” when we had been lectured on “risk theory.” The reader’s comment had an arrow to it that said “Is that wikipedia?”</p>