Hey, I’ve been heavily considering taking a gap year before enrolling as a freshman at UVA. I’ve paid the deposit already, but I’ve had trouble finding information about UVA’s policy regarding gap years. How difficult is it to receive permission for a gap year, and is there anything I’ll have to do in the upcoming year to make sure my place at UVA is secure (as in, as I’ve read other universities do, send in a “re-admission” form or reapply or something odd like that)? I know I can always contact Admissions about this, but I wanted to check here first for any information someone might have.
If you go to the Admitted Students Page (https://admission.virginia.edu/admitted-student), there is a brief discussion regarding Gap Year, which says as follows:
If you’d like to take a gap year, we want to hear about it! Pay your enrollment deposit and then write to us about your plans. Students deferring their enrollment may not be enrolled at another institution during their gap year.
The “write to us” hyper links to an email address - maw6d@virginia.edu with “Gap Year Request” as the Subject.
Good Luck!