Garcia Summer Program 2022

Hi, I haven’t seen a thread for the Garcia program this year, so I started one

  1. Could anyone please share their experiences from the program? How heavily is it focused on material science and how much prior experience/knowledge of the field should you have?

  2. Compared to other programs such as the UCSB RMP, Iowa SSTP, UC Davis YSP, etc, how would you rank Garcia?

I don’t know the answers to these. I just found out that Garcia typically accept 100 high school students. Which one is more prestigious, Garcia or Boston Rise?

On the website - decisions will be released 4/15. Good luck everyone!

Any Garcia applicants here? Does anyone know what the time of release is on 4/15?

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ive got nothing as of 5 am pst

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Still no email (EST 11am)

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We are still waiting.


I heard they will release decision next week instead of today because of staff shortage… can someone please give them a call to confirm?

Where did you hear this?

from other forums

What forum is it? Could you share the link?

just called, a lady said they won’t have decision today, but will have results after this weekend.


Thank you for the update!

Did anyone ever get a confirmation email? I never got one.

GUYSS you know how we had to mail in the letters of rec too? Well, my teachers and mentor didn’t want to so they emailed the letter of rec + coversheet they gave. In my mail in app I just told them to check there emails for those letters. Would they check their emails lol

Wait, I emailed all of my materials. Were they supposed to be mailed?

yea LOL

It said on the application: "Letters in sealed, individual envelopes must be sent with the application form or emailed to: with the following text in the subject area: Reference for insert Student’s Name " So I thought it could also be emailed…

It pretty clearly means the letters of recommendation…

Other than LOR, other materials need to be mailed. This is my understanding.