Garcia Summer Program: How was the experience?

My daughter (D22) has been accepted to the Garcia summer program and would appreciate hearing the experience of previous participants (or those who know of the experience of previous participants). Was it worthwhile overall? What was the balance between theory and application? For those who went on to major in materials science or related areas, how did the Garcia program prepare you for your college studies? What did you enjoy most/least about the program?

She is actually planning to major in materials science (in this regard, Garcia looks to be the perfect program for her) but is concerned about the 7-week duration and a seemingly heavy load (she has other commitments during the summer).

Many thanks for your assistance.

It’s a really nice program. Not many people actually want to go into Mat Sci but the fact that your daughter does is a good fit.

From talking to 3 kids who attended last year’s virtual Garcia, it’s a really enveloping program. The schedule is packed with speakers, workshops, and, of course, research, along with social/bonding activities, etc. A lot of the people there felt like Garcia + college apps in one summer was a lot. If your D22 has other notable commitments, I would guess those would either have to be done less well or maybe she could somehow squeeze it all in but I’d assume she would end up being overworked.

Another possible solution to this is to focus on your other opportunities but list admittance into Garcia as an Award/Honor or in the Addtl Info on your Common App. Getting in itself is a prestigious honor, and a lot of the impressiveness will still be captured in your app. That is what I personally would do if I knew I had other things going on.

Many thanks for your response and advice. We are in the UK and, as my DD will be applying to both US and UK universities, she will need to prepare two sets of applications (they are quite different) and study for the Physics Aptitude Test for UK universities. Add to that a research project that all rising seniors at her school are expected to do over the summer (although I think she could be excused from it). So, she’s a bit worried about taking on too much.

I will share your message with D22 and we’ll determine the most practicable path forward. Thanks again.

Oh wow that’s a lot of stuff going on. With 2 sets of college apps, Garcia would almost definitely be overwhelming in my opinion.

Either way, congrats to her and good luck making a decision!

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