Garcia Summer Research 2023

I didn’t see any threads for Garcia so I decided to make one, is there anyone who got their results or who know when they are coming out?


No idea. The result came out on 4/24 last year so maybe we’ll know later this week.

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Haven’t received anything except a confirmation email

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When did you submit application and receive the confirmation email? Never received any email.

Received the confirmation email yesterday. I heard someone received it in March.

I received it early-mid March

Do you know how many students are admitted annually?

I’ve heard around 100 from past years. Does anyone know how many apply?

100 admissions is generous compared to other programs such as SSP and YSPA. I don’t see the demographic of students admitted. I wonder what percentage represents NY state.

I mean SSP was like 240 so I wouldn’t say generous comparatively but might be less competitive. Is it a big difference in competitiveness?

Giving the opportunity to 100 students to explore their research pursuits in their facility should be highly appreciated. Respectfully, I pick up the word generous.

oh yeah for sure it is very generous. I just meant in terms of pure numbers it’s not like more people being accepted

Ahh I am an international student so I am allowed to e-mail it. I received one as soon as I sent my application. About Early March

heard over 900? not sure 100%

oh rlly? I’m as well lol. I legit know 0 ppl who’s applying to Garcia internationally. Are you from Canada?

No, actually from China

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You could find the admitted students from the yearbooks on the website, a lot of participants came from NY and NJ.


Thank you for your suggestion.

I called Garcia office today and learned that they expect to send out notifications this weekend.
Good luck to all!

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Thank you for letting us know.

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