Gatech?! Caltech?!

<p>hi, i live in arizona so it will be out of state for georgia tech.
i was born in the u.s. but went to korea when i was nine. i came back like a year ago, when i was in sophomore.</p>

<p>my gpa is ... 4.0 unweighted</p>


<p>nineth grade - read and debate club president
founded school library and ran it (yes, it was a tough job)
volunteer work at a local hospital
free english tutoring
all classes were unweighted since i didnt go to an international school. i went to an ordinary korean school and you dont get to choose your own classes over there (which sucks because you have to take twelve classes at a time)</p>

<p>tenth grade - ran the school library (when i was still in korea),
read and debate club (in korea as well)</p>

<p>ecology club, european club, JV Tennis, church choir, key club
LACES (multicultural club)
ran a website for koreans who want to study in america
in the future: has 9,800 members now
- all of these activities in america</p>

<p>classes i took : german1, english, world history, honors algebra2, honors bio, driver's ed, racket sports, art </p>

<p>eleventh grade - LACES, club med treasurer, national honors society, JV badminton, TA at korean school, english tutoring, church youth group, still running that website </p>

<p>classes i am taking : german2, english, american history, AP european history, honors pre-calc, honors chemistry</p>

<p>classes i am planning to take next year: AP calculus I, AP physics, AP bio, anatomy, AP literature, AP Econ/Govt, German 3</p>

<p>according to the SAT practice tests (the new version) i've done so far, im getting like a five hundred something on the verbal part. i lived half of my life in another country that does not speak english and that totally killed me. i suck at vocabs. =)</p>

<p>but im getting like 100% on the math part, which hopefully might help me when applying. </p>

<p>oh, and i already took SATII Korean in November. positive i got a hundred percent on that one...but dont think it'll really matter.</p>

<p>signed up for SAT II bio and math 2C and planning to take chemistry in May. i'm not taking any ap tests because my ap european class is like a freebie class. everybody gets an A and you dont get to learn anything. </p>

<p>ummm... i'm going for georgia tech and some other tech schools like caltech, calpolytech, etc. i dont really know a lot about tech schools by the way..</p>

<p>what are my chances? for now, GT is #1. </p>

<p>thanks! =)</p>

<p>without sat scores, very hard to tell.</p>

<p>so like, um, according to the practice tests ive done so far im getting like a 1250-1350 that too low? </p>

<p>thanks! =)</p>