<p>So I submitted my application around September 27th or so...unfortunately still haven't heard back
I was pretty sure that I had a good chance at getting into Tech and have no idea how the PSP #s work. If any of you have been admitted that'd be great if you could say your stats.</p>
<p>Mine are as follows
GPA: 3.85, 4.52 weighted
9 total APs at the end of this year
No Official Rank but according to School Profile I'm top 10%
-also my high school is ranked #34 in the country by US News and around #60 by Newsweek, so its pretty dang competitive.
750 math, 710 reading 790 writing (total 2250 sat)
Pretty solid extracurricular activities including some leadership groups at school, internships at NIH, volunteer work at hospital and doctor's offices, etc.</p>
<p>SAT I: Reading 700, Math 740, Writing 770
SAT II: Math II 760, Physics 660, Spanish 720</p>
<p>GPA (unweighted) 3.75
All honors my whole…life? 4 APs this year, 1 last year.
Class Rank 18/545.</p>
<p>My extracurriculars are pretty much over the top, i’ve held/currently hold officer positions and I do 3 seasons of sports. I’m in orchestra. community service etc.</p>
<p>maybe that’s only if they decided to give you semi priority? I don’t know, as I also received a letter sans PSP info. Maybe we’ll be reconsidered with the rest of the PSP applicants, although my hopes are not high for my chances even then…</p>
I hope we’ll be reconsidered…because honestly I don’t have much interest in GaT if I don’t get that scholarship lol. I’m from the northeast and applied to 4 great engineering schools here, none of which are too far a reach. I also got into a safety.</p>