<p>You know I was thinking the same thing. In my financial aid packet, I fortunately, like you, received very good financial assistance from schools similar to which you applied. But I realized something when I was looking over the financial aid threads, that some schools don't promise to meet 100% financial need. I thought, or assumed, that all private schools met all financial need (that can be interpreted in a lot of ways, I've noticed, but at least I assumed that no one, especially no one who is economically disadvantaged would ever have to pay $40,000 a year). </p>
<p>If you check out some of the schools that Gates scholars end up going to, not all of them are schools that have the resources to offer as much financial aid as we might be receiving. Like UC Berkeley, for example. It sounds cheap, but a friend of mine, you've probably heard similar stories, got stuck with a $12,000 a year expected contribution--and this is someone who lives in a single parent family, to whom my money has been a problem. So in that sense, if Gates can help both those people of color and those who are economically disadvantaged attend schools like Berkeley, a school that was for so long the symbol that meant I had passed through colorlines and poverty lines and the rest, it's worth it. And if it can help those of us who are disadvantaged attend schools like MIT or Harvard without having to worry at all about ever having to do work-study or any of that (how many MIT students, the wealthy ones, will have to worry about work study? Not that many, I trust), then hell yes, right on, Bill Gates.</p>
<p>P.S. But don't let a couple of thousand change your decision. Go with what feels right, right? Just assume you get the Gates or assume they'll all cost the same at the end. You're in this incredible spot to be in, my friend was dying to get into Columbia and MIT. He would have forked over the $40,000 if he needed (doubt even his folks had that much, though..)</p>
<p>Satic> You're not counting the self help right? For me that's a huge amount, so in my opinion I'm getting 39000 out of the total. In that case Gates will be awesome. Too bad Gates doesn't cover summer earning expectations.</p>
<p>mirandajuly, judging from your profile, will you be at Yale then?
I should call the GATES program to see what the award really entitles. I hope we have a big monthly "stipend" ie "living expenses."</p>
<p>Someone please explain to me what "unmet need" means! Does Gates cover loans and self-help or no?</p>
<p>I've gotten packages that met 100% of my need through grants, loans, and work study, so it seems to me like I don't really need Gates (although I'd definitely send something in just in case I need it next year. Renewable scholars rock!). But if it does cover loans and self-help, I'm about to go into a panic attack right now, because that means I hafta choose soon, and I can't do that, cuz one of my open houses is AFTER the deadline. And the Gates hotline isn't open till Monday! 0-0 </p>
<p>gphoenix) I don't know where it's stated, I asked my colleges finaid department about it and I was told that it covers self help (loans and work) (MIT's Barkowitz)</p>
<p>ive heard that besides paying for everything the school isnt giving you GATES gives you about $3000 in spending money every 3 to 4 months, they pay for all your trips home, and sometimes they even fly you out to conferences or receptions for gates scholars so i think that even if you are getting a lot assistance it is still cool to be a scholar you get free money, you dont have to worry about working, paying loans, etc</p>
<p>For all those worried that they havent heard yet, everyone at my school (except 3 people out of the 15 that applied) received the letter informing them that they moved on to the next level bu i did not get one and still havent gotten one yet i did move up because my recomender received a letter informing her that i had moved up, so dont worry like someone else said dont give up until youve gotten a letter saying you didnt make it or maybe try calling the gates office or ask the people who did your nomination or rec, they should know if you moved up or not</p>
<p>"ive heard that besides paying for everything the school isnt giving you GATES gives you about $3000 in spending money every 3 to 4 months, they pay for all your trips home, and sometimes they even fly you out to conferences or receptions for gates scholars so i think that even if you are getting a lot assistance it is still cool to be a scholar you get free money, you dont have to worry about working, paying loans, etc"</p>
<p>that is true; i can attest to that because my friend who is a GATES SCHOLAR told me she has too much money that she doesn't know what to do so she goes shopping in Dior every month.</p>
<p>so many people seem to have heard from gates already.. and many people seem to have made it through the first cut... im just so worried because i haven't heard anything and i could really use all the help i could get from gates</p>
<p>Going to Northwestern, which gave me grrrreat FA. I have so much $ I might have to resind a lot. :( I want it all! I worked for it! Anywayz I got into some great schools: Columbia, Brown-PLME, Princeton, etc In the end HPME did it for NU.</p>