Gates Millenium Scholarship?

<p>gates millenium scholarship, is your chance better if you come a single parent household and makes less than 2ok</p>

<p>Your family must meet the Federal Pell Grant eligibility criteria in order for you to be eligible. Coming from a single parent household with less than $20,000 in income sounds like you would. But that is only to be eligible. They are looking for students who show promise in leadership. Your best bet is to get your essays written and your sponsors lined up and get going now with the application process. Don’t wait until the last minute. Be positive and you never know! Best Wishes.</p>

<p>what if you don’t have so many awards to fill out the awards section? My school doesn’t give out awards besides honor roll and I don’t think i can fill up them all.
did anyone else not fill up all the award or community service or leadership positions?</p>