Gave SAT Today! My Chances??

<p>hey, I gave my SAT today, for the first time! It was OK... I really missed out a lot due to severe time limitation (and not enough practice)... expecting about- 640 CR, 680M</p>

<p>I'm a international and applying to following school, with financial aid (Middle 50% SAT in the bracket):</p>

<li><p>Reed (I really want to go there!)
SAT Reasoning Verbal: 660 - 750
SAT Reasoning Math: 620 - 710 </p></li>
SAT Reasoning Verbal: 640 - 730
SAT Reasoning Math: 610 - 710 </p></li>
SAT Reasoning Verbal: 630 - 740
SAT Reasoning Math: 620 - 720 </p></li>
SAT Reasoning Verbal: 620 - 750
SAT Reasoning Math: 620 - 700 </p></li>

<p>I'm really worried about my not 'upto the mark performance' in SAT. Damn it! I know I could have done a lot better. it was easy, but I missed a lot coz I couldn't complete everything. I also f***ed up the essay. I know it isentirely my fault, I should have praticed more. I can retake it in Jan., but that will be too late to be of any use. I am now working on my essay, thats the only thing that can save me.</p>

<p>Can anyone plz tell me what chance I stand at these colleges. I don't want to apply to school where I know I will get rejected. Grinnell, for example, receives 1200 international apllicant each year and enrolls only 200. And doen't provide full financial aid to all the applicants. So I had better apply somewhere where I have better chances of getting accepted with financial aid.</p>


<p>What is your GPA? What are you participating in outside of school/EC's? </p>

<p>SATs are looked at, yet they are not the end of the world. With only your SAT scores it is hard to say what your chances are at those schools... </p>

<p>I would also suggest that now you just focus on what you can change or do to make your application better, such as the essay. If you can't retake the SAT don't stress out about it. Also, you could try the ACT if there is one before January...</p>

<p>yea don't stress out too much your sat scores. they are actually pretty decent too.</p>

<p>your listed sat scores for those schools are somewhat off.<br>
usnews 2006; oberlin (1250-1440) and grinnell (1290-1490). i'd recommend you apply to a few safeties just in case. some schools you may want to consider-- denison (oh), sewanee (tn), mt holyoke (ma) an furman (sc).</p>

<p>Reed, much to my chagrin, is not need blind, especially for international students. You'll run into problems there, as you are a slightly marginal applicant.</p>

<p>It is my understanding that Reed will only give 10-15 intl applicants aid</p>