I was wondering what the gay community at Conn was like. Is there a big LGBTQ + community/presence on campus and how gay-friendly would you say the students are?
I also notice and heard that for some colleges there is a divide between the LGTBQ+ students and NON-LGBT+ students and I would like to go to a college where students inter-mingle and is included so how inclusive would you say the community at Conn is?
I am asking this because I hope to go to a college where I am accepted for who I am, and coming from a very conservative town, being in an inclusive community means so much to me. I have zero information on Conn and am still in the midst of doing college search so anything you say will matter 
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Hi there,
I know I am responding to this incredibly late into the college selection process, so I guess this may be more useful for prospective students next year. Hopefully you’re still keeping it an option though!
I’m currently a sophomore at Conn - from firsthand experience, it is an incredibly welcoming school especially in regard to LGBT+ kids. The LGBT+ center is just across the street from the college center and I’ve participated in a ton of really fun events and programs there (for instance, I was in QueerPeer my freshman year, a group designed to link underclassmen with upperclassmen to help adjust to life on campus). There certainly is an active LGBT+ community on campus, but there are even more LGBT+ students who don’t actively visit the center, too.
It looks like you’re wondering more about relationships between cishet kids and LGBT+ kids on campus, though. I can’t speak for everybody here, but I have never encountered anybody on campus who has given me any problems for being gay. I have openly talked about being gay/having a boyfriend in multiple classroom settings and no one has batted an eyelash, something I really love about the people here. I come from a similar place as you; in high school I only discussed my sexuality with my closest friends given that I lived in a super religious area. At Conn I have absolutely no qualms talking about my sexuality, nor do most of my LGBT+ friends.
Once again, I know I’m replying to this super super late and you may have already decided on somewhere else, which is totally fine. College is such a great time to start over from high school and be more honest about yourself to the people around you. I wish you the best of luck!!