Gay international student from England?


<p>I'm from the UK, and i'm applying to the following:</p>

<p>American University
Boston University
Drew University
Skidmore College</p>

<p>I've been blessed by going to a very open and liberal high school where - almost - everyone was gay friendly. I'm so worried about getting some homophobic xenophobic jock as a roommate. And knowing my luck, that might happen.</p>

<p>I was just wondering what these schools are like on being gay, and if anyone had any experiences with having a gay roommate (as a straight person), or having a straight roommate (as an LGBT person).</p>

<p>I know AU and BU are, as a whole, gay friendly. Anyone know anything about the situation at Drew or Skidmore? I heard that freshman can apply for an opposite sex roommate at Skidmore, so I might do that.</p>

<p>This whole roommate worry thing has actually given me nightmares, how silly is that.</p>

<p>Often colleges have organizations like LGBTQ ones or Gay-Straight alliances. Check the clubs and activities info on the websites of colleges that you’re considering, and contact the officers of the clubs to get the info you want. You also could e-mail admissions and ask them to give you contact info for a gay student. Don’t be afraid to do this: If an admissions office reacts negatively to such a request, that wouldn’t be a college where you’d be comfortable attending.</p>

<p>At some schools, you can request a single. I think you have a valid reason to request one, so they’d likely grant it to you.</p>

<p>Swarthmore is very gay friendly.</p>

<p>Fordham and Vasser also</p>