<p>I'm from the UK, and i'm applying to the following:</p>
<p>American University
Boston University
Drew University
Skidmore College</p>
<p>I've been blessed by going to a very open and liberal high school where - almost - everyone was gay friendly. I'm so worried about getting some homophobic xenophobic jock as a roommate. And knowing my luck, that might happen.</p>
<p>I was just wondering what these schools are like on being gay, and if anyone had any experiences with having a gay roommate (as a straight person), or having a straight roommate (as an LGBT person).</p>
<p>I know AU and BU are, as a whole, gay friendly. Anyone know anything about the situation at Drew or Skidmore? I heard that freshman can apply for an opposite sex roommate at Skidmore, so I might do that.</p>
<p>This whole roommate worry thing has actually given me nightmares, how silly is that.</p>