Gay life?

<p>We’ve all heard the horror stories… can anyone shed some alternative light?</p>

<p>Mmm... lovely.</p>



<p>FWIW, a friend from HS is at BC (class of '10) and came out (freshman year) while there. I don’t know what gay life is like on campus, but I do believe he has a sig other there. A quick Google reveals that as recently as 2003 the college was still wrestling with whether to recognize a GLTB organization. I don’t know anything about gay life in Boston itself, but it’s a big college town so you never know. Why not call admissions and ask about gay life at BC?</p>

<p>hmm, thank you!</p>

<p>My friend’s brother goes to BC (is now in grad school, but went there for undergrad too) and he’s gay and LOVES the school and the city. While it is a very catholic, preppy, athletics-centered school, it’s also near a major city, so it’s not like you’d be stranded on campus with a bunch of straight people throwing rocks. NYC is reasonably close, I know her brother goes there for weekends sometimes. While it’s probably not the most accepting student body, I don’t think being gay should deter you from going there if you want to.</p>

<p>there’s plenty of gay people here, they’re not looked down upon by anyone, everyone is very accepting. dont worry</p>

<p>any anecdotes or examples?</p>