Geeky Universities?

<p>Are there any colleges that are predominately geeks? I am currently at a college that is just full of sports guys, it is a big name D1 school, so i guess i should have expected it. but its ranked good, and stuff so I wanted to go there. But now that ive gotten here its pretty much all rich jocks. I am completely unable to find a single trace of people who I like to hang out with. which is usually geeks or intellectuals. I am unable to find any gamers, and Ive come to the point where I think that there may be 0 gamers here. Its around 12k undergrad. But I cant really find people who are into like setting up a lan party or what not.</p>

<p>Are there any college that are in the northeast that have a good number of geeks? I have thought of a transfer to a number of colleges, but I am doing a duel chem/physics major so that rules out a lot of schools. and I really doubt I could get into most the ivy league on a transfers, and mit is pretty much a definite no. </p>

<p>Im guessing a school that isnt big on sports would be the best choice. And leans more towards the sciences. my current school is like the leading school in a lot of areas, but those are the social sciences and communications and stuff.</p>

<p>the first one that came to mind is Olin, which is an engineering school you might wanna check up on. it’s in the Boston area. other pretty geeky ones may be WPI or RSI, which are quite a bit easier to get into than Olin.</p>

<p>thanks. ill check it out. any other guesses would be helpful.
I was a little bit of a slacker in high school, which is why some transfers im iffy about. I was one of the b students with an a+ on every test type of kid. Here in college im 3.6 or something, which is decent for the type of classes im taking i would say.</p>

<p>UC San Diego, MIT, Caltech</p>

<p>How about Case Western? Not northeast but real close and very geeky.</p>

<p>RIT, WPI and Clarkson.</p>

<p>Check out RPI. It’s in New York state. I definitely got a geeky vibe there.</p>

<p>I would said any tech school probably has a kinda geeky/nerdy vibe to it
(I don’t mean to be a jerk or anything in any sort of way…that sentence sounds kinda mean to me…)</p>

<p>any Ivy League school…</p>

<p>zfox001- probably.</p>

<p>Olin is only for engineering. I’d say caltech is definitely the geekiest. Or Harvey Mudd.</p>

<p>Any Tier 1 tech school really, especially MIT and Caltech. Harvey Mudd too, but you’ve got the other four Claremonts to balance the social atmosphere out.</p>

<p>What I’ve heard, though, is that Princeton is very geeky. However, they have the hottest geeks anywhere. So that’d be my choice. ;)</p>

<p>Carnegie Mellon</p>

<p>Harvey Mudd is definitely pretty geeky.</p>

<p>What school do you go to, anyways?</p>

<p>-Any tech school
-women’s schools

<p>RPI Red Hawks
Carnegie Mellon University Tartans
University of California at San Diego Tritons</p>

<p>Any geeky university/college besides full-ride ones and Case Western that are known for good financial aid?</p>

<p>I go to Syracuse University currently. The school is the antithesis of a geeky school. I guess I should have assumed so… but I didn’t.</p>

<p>I say that I know how to fix someones computers, and they look at me in awe, its funny.</p>

<p>Case Western is definitely geeky. When I did an overnight stay on a Saturday, all the guys on my floor were gathered in one room playing Call of Duty and Unreal Tournament 1999. There are definitely gamers there, if you’re looking for gamers.</p>