general application question

<p>I have taken 19 credits my first college semester, and will take 21 next semester for a total of 40. when the application says:</p>

<p>Indicate the total number of credits you expect to earn from all colleges before enrolling: </p>

<p>would I be correct to put 40, as opposed to when it asks for my GPA and number of credits, in which case I would put my first semester GPA and 19 credits?</p>

<p>yes, 40.......</p>

<p>yes...if you plan to enroll next fall, then (hopefully) you will have completed 40...</p>

<p>random question: why so many units? double major?</p>

<p>im planning a double major, and BC has a really large core curriculum</p>

<p>when transferring, is it rude to ask my professors to fill out the recommendation forms thorugh an email? should i ask them in person?</p>

<p>I don't think it's rude, but they probablly won't appreciate it too much and may even give you a so-so rec. Better to do it in person, IMO.</p>