General Education Requirements at Madison

<p>Hi, I am experiencing difficulty finding the general education requirements for the college as a whole and for the College of Letters and Science ( I plan to major in computer science). From what I can gather from scrambling around on the UW Madison website the general education requirements for the college as a whole are: Natural Science, 4 to 6 credits, consisting of one 4- or 5-credit course with a laboratory component; or two courses providing a total of 6 credits
Humanities/Literature/Arts, 6 credits, Social Studies, 3 credits. Assuming that I do not have to take any other additional general education requirements from my enrollment in the College of Letters and Science, how can I find the specific course names that satisfy these requirements? I am looking for the specific course names, because I am trying to figure out which AP's to take in order to AP out of some of the gened requirements.</p>


<p>Here is a link to AP credit equivalents, for starters:</p>

<p><a href=“”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Take a look at this link:</p>

<p><a href=“Guide < University of Wisconsin-Madison”>Guide < University of Wisconsin-Madison;

<p>I don’t know about computer science major specifically, but in L&S, the general requirements are:</p>

<p>Comm A and B
Quant A and B<br>
You can test out of at least A from placement tests before SOAR or from AP/IB scores. You can’t test out of Comm B, but you may be able to test out of Quant B, I don’t know the answer to that.</p>

<p>Foreign language: if you took 4 years in hs of same foreign language, you have already met the requirement. If you haven’t, you can test out, I think, in pre-SOAR placement test or can meet requirement by continuing foreign language at UW</p>

<p>12 credits Sciences, including at least 3 from courses marked Biological Science and 3 from courses marked Physical Sciences. </p>

<p>12 credits Humanities</p>

<p>12 credits Social Sciences </p>

<p>AP/IB credits go to meet these 12 credit requirements. </p>

<p>Here is the worksheet – if you are getting a BS from L&S, then there requirements are different from what I noted above. </p>

<p><a href=“Guide < University of Wisconsin-Madison”>Guide < University of Wisconsin-Madison;

<p>If you are looking for specific courses which fulfill these requirements, go to the course guide, and there is a search function which allows you to select for level of course, and which requirement it meets. </p>

<p>They also require an ethnic studies credit.</p>

<p>@hannahpaul: I think you meant to say an ethnic studies requirement, not credit.</p>

<p><a href=“”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Yes, my bad, left out ethnic studies. Cultural Anthro seems to be a common way to get ethnic studies credit, though you can use course guide search function to identify all courses fulfilling that requirement. </p>

<p>Take your HS APs because you want the courses, not to get out of reqs in college. To find out which of literally hundreds of UW courses you can use to meet breadth requirements of various kinds you can look at a specific course in the online timetable. Once you find out which specific courses your AP credits match you can look those up.</p>

<p>In HS you are best off taking courses that are most rigorous and most interest you. With a comp sci major you will have plenty of time for many interesting courses, both in related math fields (some are cross listed) and others you choose just for your own fun/education. Remember that college is for an education and not just narrow major/job skills. It is your chance to explore many fields you may not encounter or have time for later.</p>

<p>@madison85 yes. A <em>requirement</em> which will serve as credits.</p>