General engineering UW Madison

So I got into UW-Madison (I had applied for chemical engineering). My Decision letter said that my program was General Engineering. Does this mean every engineering student gets admitted into General Engineering first? Has anyone been admitted to a program directly?

You were admitted to the university as a whole, regardless of your intended major. This means you can change your major at any time while at UW.

Technically you still need to be admitted to the College of Engineering based on your UW record. You will be preengineering for advising at SOAR. Once you are admitted to the college engineering (by having an acceptable gpa) you then can be admitted to a specific major. Don’t worry at all. Choosing a major on your UW application just helps you get more specific summer advising. Most of your classes will be in L&S- think calculus, chemistry and physics plus breadth courses required to graduate from UW in any school/college.

There are a few engineering majors that are competitive because there are limited facilities and once you are in a major UW makes sure you will be able to get the needed courses for it. Chem is not one of them I believe (it will be stated on the UW engineering website).

Don’t worry. You are on track to major in what you now want, or to change to any other major.

Are you a transfer student? When did you apply? Did you meet all the requirements for chemical engineering? usually you are accepted into their predepartmental engineering, than after taking a semester, you apply for your intended major.

No, I will be a freshman .

Read the UW website regarding your major. All majors give required courses and usually suggested sequences/semesters to take many. Engineering will give the path to follow.

I wonder about this as well. I was accepted into UW and just got a letter today saying I was accepted to the computer engineering department with my program saying general engineering still. What exactly does all of this mean?

send an email to the sender of the letter and ask.

I got the same email saying I’ve been selected to the Department of Chemical Engineering. I guess I’ll ask them