General Honors

<p>D got her acceptance today. Yea!! That makes UMiami look even better!</p>

<p>Congrats-You must be so proud of her and the wonderful opportunities she has worked so hard to make possible! Your D is going to thrive no matter where she ends up and with her list of schools, I don't think she can make a bad decision. I'm pulling for Miami because I have such a high opinion of the quality of the education, quality of student life, available opportunities and the institution itself. It will be a very lucky school that lands this kid.</p>

<p>Has she made any decisions about going to visit or are you still letting all the pieces fall into place first?</p>

<p>I can't imagine UMiami not making the visit "cut". It is a no-brainer to me and a visit will be required if she wants to attend as it is her largest campus (except Texas Tech's Combined BS/MD program and she just got her interview. Yea!!). </p>

<p>We are now in the conflict stage and things are going to be dramatic and traumatic from here on in. I'm just glad she's not trying to do all this and win a state basketball championship at the same time. Oh wait. I forgot-she is. LOL. "Sweet sixteen" and playing this weekend to see who goes to the State Championship Final Four. I'd be a puddle of pee if all of this was hitting me at age 18. ;)</p>

<p>For those of you who may not have gotten an invitation to the honors program, don't fret. My S is now in honors, after getting a high enough GPA during his first term.</p>

<p>S attended a school that hasn't graduated a 4.0 in 30+ years, although I believe someone may be graduating with a 4.0 this year. The UM admissions office takes such things into account and S did get merit money. But the honors program may not, as he didn't get that.</p>

<p>So if you had your eye on honors, it is still possible.</p>

<p>I think my S wants to get into the honors program. i figure since he got the 3/4 scholarship, we will probably get an acceptance letter at some poit. Whaddya think?</p>

<p>Here's what it says on the UM website about Honors:</p>

<p>"Invitations to General Honors are extended based on your outstanding scholastic achievements in high school and high scores on the college entrance examination. The Honors Program invites the top 10% of the entering freshman class to join. A minimum SAT of 1360 or ACT of 31 or better and ranked in the top 10% of your high school graduating class is required. On receipt of an invitation, there is no further action required on your part." </p>

<p>Honors is not that big a deal - kids in Honors take like one Honors class per term. At least that is my understanding from S....</p>

<p>Son wasn't invited to honors either....but, if you look at MyUM, you will see several classes which are in fact considered H classes that anyone can take. Some of his classes have in fact been considered honors classes. He will end up graduating this fall (unless he has a major melt-down for some reason) "cum laude", but also with departmental honors. </p>

<p>Someone can correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't know that it is that much of a big deal at UM whether in the honors program or not. Unfortunately UM doesn't give additional scholarship dollars, nor special housing circumstances for the honors program, so other than having a few special honors sections for a particular class and having to attend a few honors advising meetings I don't think there's a huge difference.</p>

<p>if you got into honors, would it say in your acceptance letter that you did?</p>

<p>No, it was a separate letter.</p>