General Query

Just got accepted to Purdue in under 4 weeks. Is that a sign that my application is strong?

People on the Purdue forum would have a better idea what the average turn around time is, if yours was longer or shorter than average, and if that means anything.

How long is a piece of string? My kiddo was admitted quickly too. You got admitted – that’s the point. What’s the curiosity about how “strong” you were? If you get offered a Presidential Scholarship or one of the other PU merit awards, then you’ll know you were “strong”.

That is not a general query, that if very specific. Better titles get better answers.

Perhaps. When did you send in your app? I sent mine around the 5th of October and I received my decision on the very first day the decisions were being released (Oct 23). So about 2 and a half weeks for me.