General Question

I am a current sophomore with average credentials, gpa- 3.5. My SAT score on practice was 2176. I am sure I can raise it by the time taking the real test. I am from India. My GPA is low since I was unsure when I might have to move back and thus, I kept my Indian studying active which really messed up my GPA. Now, mid 10 grade, I am sure I can complete my college here and hence, stopped my India schooling. If I want to state this reason for my poor grades in 9 and early 10 grades, should I put it in my essay or personal statement. Also, do I need provide a lengthy explanation on how it affected me or should it be brief? Also, If I decide it to put in my essay, should the entire essay be on the same? I really need to show my other traits in my essay as well, therefore I asking for guidance. Also, can y’all provide an example on to how I should explain this.


If you can pull it off (“divided culture, enriched by learning”) it’d be okay, but DO NOT write an essay about “why my Indian schooling messed my freshman grades”.

Can you please provide, like, an example of an exert of some sort. THis is really be helpful as I am new to the system here. Thank you

It’s best not to waste your essay on a topic like this - the college essay is one of the only places where you can show colleges who you really are. Instead, have your guidance counselor include an explanation of your circumstances in a letter/ recommendation to your colleges. That way, you also run less risk of sounding like you are complaining or making excuses for your grades.

Do not worry about your application essay just yet. Worry about pulling up your GPA, doing well on your ACT/SAT/etc., and finding out how much money your parents will be able to contribute toward the cost of your education.

Your immigration status matters too. That you write that you thought you would be moving back to India makes me wonder if you are here as the dependent of an H1B visa holder. Did I get that right? If you aren’t a US citizen or legal permanent resident (green card), you will have significant limits on the financial aid that you are eligible for, and that will control your educational options.

You can read some in “Heavenly essays” ( a book of strong essays that are all very different but all very recent)
also here:

There’s a website called “Essay Hell” dedicated to the college admission essay, too! :slight_smile:

@MYOS1634‌ , thanks a lot for your help! :)>-