General School Supplies Thread - 2013

<p>I use 3 subject 5 star notebooks and green room binders from target :slight_smile: </p>

<p>I already bought my school supplies for next year… I got a little excited one day at the store.</p>

<p>@elaina - Hahah, when do you go back to school?</p>

<p>I would much rather use notebooks instead of three ring binders, but teachers give so many handouts that it isn’t feasable. Also, does anybody know of any good fountain pens for school?</p>

<p>I use just a huge 3-ring binder for everything, which stays completely unorganized. Random crap goes in the flap.</p>

<p>I start out with the most organized notebook and a plethora of supplies.</p>

<p>But by the end of November, all of my stuff is just thrown into my bookbag.</p>

<p>@surreptitious The week after Labor Day… A long way away</p>

<p>Oh…I start school around the same time, and my parents won’t let me start buying them until August. :P</p>

<p>Has anyone here ever invested in Dollar Store pens…? Where do you usually all go to get your supplies? The cute stuff at Staples is kind of pricey for me.</p>

<p>I haven’t tried dollar store pens but I bet they would work! </p>

<p>I go to Target for most of my supplies and Staples for anything I couldn’t find at Target (usually a pack of highlighters or something).</p>