General thoughts about sewanee?

I am considering sewanee but I’m not sure if it will be too remote for me. What can anyone talk about what there is to do on campus? Also how is the food? I would love to hear about y’all’s experiences there/general thoughts about the school. Thank you!!

Although I am from Michigan, the company I work for has many manufacturing facilities in East Tennessee. Several of the company leadership have graduated from Sewanee and hold the institution in very high regards. The feedback I have heard from them is:

  1. The campus is “one-of-a-kind!” As long as you are somewhat outdoorsy you will love the place. They talked about how the students basically run the volunteer fire department in town. They also talked about the countless opportunities to engage in clubs, sports and other activities.

  2. Regarding the food, they mentioned that this was a highlight of their time on the mountain. They could not speak to the latest situation but mentioned that the school also took pride in the culinary offerings.

I hope this helps. If these are major areas of concern, I would call the admissions office and have them connect you with a current student… then you, or your student, can get the real feedback.

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My D21 will be attending Sewanee as freshman next year. We were able tour and I was very impressed. Unbelievable campus- like college as a camp. While ‘the Domain’ is 13,000 spectacular acres what was even more impressive were the academic, social and career opportunities available. Loved the students we met. Loved the professors we met. I went expecting very little and left hoping my D21 liked it as much as I did. It fits her and she insisted we visit because she wanted environmental science and had found it as an alternative to Middlebury, Colby, Bowdoin which she was previously looking at. Yes- a student is fire chief and the students run the coffee house. It’s not a place if you want the hustle bustle of an urban campus but it does offer a unique experience.
Also impressed with how they were able to offer the college experience with COVID. Food good-have farm to table items from their farm and gardens. Have a chef and take requests. Activities range from Greek life, outdoors club, sports, radio station, a surprising amount of fine arts and music. They bring food trucks and bands in from the bigger cities