Generic AP vs. IB Thread

<p>Alright, I guess I should start with some background information. I'm a sophomore. My school uses an ABCD block schedule where A/C and B/D are the same (except three science days with one Phys Ed). There are four blocks per day, allowing seven full year classes each year, plus Phys Ed. I'm taking four APs this year (Chem, Psych, World, English Lang). I'm torn between AP and the full IB program for my Junior and Senior years. My schedules would look like this:</p>

<p>JUNIOR: Pre-Calc Honors/IB, APUSH/IB, AP Bio/IB, IB English 11, Spanish 4/IB, Orchestra, AP Gov</p>

<p>If I went IB, I'd lose AP Gov for TOK 1. </p>

<p>SENIOR: AP Calc BC/IB, IB 20th Century History, AP Physics, AP Lit/IB, Spanish 5/IB, Orchestra, AP Stats</p>

<p>If I went IB, I'd lose AP Stats for TOK 2, and possibly AP Physics for Regents Physics. I really don't want to take Regents Physics, as it would be a grade-level class and, in my opinion, very insufferable. </p>

<p>I really love to learn and think that tying all my classes together would be really beneficial. I think it would be ok to lose to AP electives to take TOK1/2, however the risk of not being able to fit AP Physics into my schedule bothers me (especially since I plan on majoring in a science in college). </p>

<p>On the other hand, my guidance counselor worships students who complete the IB program (about 8/370 students graduate as IB diploma candidates per year) so this might work in my favor. Also, I have no desire to go to a university outside of the states. </p>

<p>Any and all insight is greatly appreciated! Thank you!!</p>

<p>Whoops, two* AP electives, instead of to.</p>

<p>Bump bump bump :)</p>

<p>And bump some more. Can anyone provide some insight?</p>

<p>[Is</a> there any reason I should pick IB over AP?](<a href=“]Is”></p>

<p>I’d start here. I already posted there, but here’s a summary: IB is about teaching you how to think, where AP focuses more on content. As a result, I’m of the opinion IB gives a student a better feel for what college will be truly like, where AP just gives you the college-level material. I’ve taken both kinds of courses, so I feel fairly confident in saying that (though, as always, it depends on the individual teachers).</p>

<p>I think you should definitely go the full IB schedule! Trading off a single class is not a huge blow. APs/IBs imo are all challenging classes and I don’t really think students care too much b/w their differences other than the fact that some (high schools) value IB greatly over AP or they value IB equal to or below AP.</p>

<p>In my old school’s IB program, 10% drop off each year from IB (everyone takes pre-IB freshmen/sophmore years than IB jr/sr year) so it is considerably harder to get the full diploma</p>

<p>We have around 8 seniors in my IB diploma program right now. I’d definitely go with the diploma over AP. TOK is actually a pretty fun class, so it’s not like you’d be losing a class or two for something boring. As for AP Physics, you could always self-study for the AP test while taking regents level. (Of course, senior year is typically when you have all your IB tests so you may not end up wanting another test in your schedule. Plus the Physics regents is easy.)</p>

<p>It’ll be a challenge, but I think it will be worth it. If only because you get exposed to lots of work which can only help you be more prepared for college.</p>

<p>Thanks everyone! Along with all your info, I had a meeting with my gc and she explained the benefits and detriments of doing IB. I’ll probably end up doing it. Thanks again!</p>