Generic chances topic.

<p>If you have any questions about anything, feel free to ask. And thank you again for chancing me! I'd like to point out in advance, I've seen topics like these and I personally think they seem like "brag topics", some really push the limit, I am trying not to do this at all, so if you are reading this please bear through it. If I missed anything big, please say so.</p>

<p>Stanford U, Bowdoin, Carleton college, Pepperdine, Northwestern U, St. Olafs, George Washington University, University of Washington in St. Louis, UCLA , University of Washington Seattle.</p>

<p>State: Washington
Ethnicity: Hispanic
sex: male
First generation college student
school: One of, if not the best, public school in the state.</p>

<p>Semester 1 freshmen: Japanese 100, PE, science, English, math, social studies. GPA: 3.05
Semester 2: same classes. 3.10
Freshmen awards: Honor roll, Japanese award.</p>

<p>Semester 1 Sophmore: Beginning Marketing, Math Core 200, pre IB English, Japanese 200, pre IB biology/chemistry, pre IB World History. GPA: 3.73
Semester 2: Same classes, 4.00
Sophmore awards: National Honor Society, Key-club award, Key-club certificate.</p>

<p>Semester 1 junior: IB Biology 1, Math Core 300, Japanese 300, IB English, Advanced Marketing, IB World History. GPA: 4.00
Semester 2: Same classes, plus Health. 4.00
Junior awards: National Honor Society, Key-club Award, key-club certificate</p>

<p>Semester 1 senior: IB English, IB Psychology, Drama, IB World History, Retail Marketing, IB Biology 2, Japanese 400. GPA: 4.00
Semester 2 : TBA, but I'm aiming at a 4.00.
Awards: TBA</p>

<p>Final GPA: With some classes I took over the summers, and assuming I get a 4.00, it will be a 3.82.</p>

<p>SAT score: 2320
SAT subject tests: English [literature] 760, World History (740), US History (720), Biology E (760), Japanese (680).
ACT: composite score: 34. Writing score: 11</p>

<p>Club leadership positions:
Sophmore year: Key-club (Web designer), Junior Statesmen of America (treasurer), FBLA (Community service chair), medical club (president)</p>

<p>Junior year: Key-club (web designer), Junior Statesmen of America (treasurer), FBLA (vice president), medical club (vice president), Deca ("VP of fun").</p>

<p>Senior year: Key-club (web designer), Junior Statesmen of America (treasurer), FBLA (vice president), medical club (treasurer), DECA (president).
note: I started medical club, by myself, as a sophmore. </p>

<p>Other: Boy Scouts of America (10 years). Senior Patrol Leader (leadership). Eagle Scout</p>

<p>Sports: Track and Field (4 years) [varsity for latter 2 years of the team. Well, not varsity this year yet, but I am assuming I will be] recreational soccer (15 years), competitive Kendo (4 years).</p>

<p>Competitions: </p>

<p>Freshmen: None
Sophmore: 5th in event at FBLA regionals, 5th at state. 7th in event at DECA regionals
Junior: 2nd in event at DECA Area, 3rd in event at DECA state, 7th at nationals. 1st in event at FBLA regionals, 1st at state, 5th at nationals. Runner up at state for Kendo boys 16-18. Reflections state in literature.
Senior: 1st in event at DECA area, 2nd in event at DECA state, 3rd at nationals. 2nd in event at FBLA regionals, 3rd at state, 10th at nationals. Winner at state for Kendo boys 16-18. Reflections state in literature.</p>

<p>Volunteering: Key-club (110 hours accumulated over 3 years at highschool), local hospital (524 hours, and counting. Over a time of 3 years).</p>

<p>Job experience: Student store manager (no pay, but it is a job through a class) 09/30/08-present. Walgreens 05/31/07-10/27/07</p>

<p>Summer stuff: "Business week" (winning team), Advanced Business week (winning team), healthcare week, Math core 4(precalculus), 2 summer-spanish classes (essentially the equivelent to spanish 200), SAT and ACT prep course. Invited, and attended, to national youth forum on law and forensics. I job shadowed/interned for a summer at a hospital.</p>

<p>Essay: Check, I thought it was pretty good and my 3 IB english teachers went over it with me.
Recommendations: Check.
Interviews: I thought they went well.</p>

<p>National Merit scholar semifinalist</p>

<p>As much as you may be criticizing the many topics under the “What are my chances” area, I appreciate for what you noted in your OP. "I’d like to point out in advance, I’ve seen topics like these and I personally think they seem like ‘brag topics’, some really push the limit, I am trying not to do this at all, so if you are reading this please bear through it. "</p>

<p>Once again, thank you for having that as an underlying point that you made.
As for the colleges</p>

<p>Stanford U-low reach
Northwestern U-match
George Washington University-in<br>
University of Washington in St. Louis-in
University of Washington Seattle-in</p>

<p>Thank you, somethings I realized I forgot. And now I’m going to feel like a jerk for posting these because it feels like “oh, more things which I did”…so again, bear with this please!</p>

<p>rank-school doesn’t give rankings, at all (except for valedictorians/salutarians I’d guess). I don’t think I’m going to be either.
I think I’m going to be in the top 10% though.
IB “certificate of merit” student.
I took a program online for about 2 months, through stanford called the “reischauer scholars” and I earned a Stanford Continuing Studies Program (CSP) credit and a Certificate of Completion from SPICE, Stanford University.</p>

<p>And above poster, excuse my ignorance but by low reach do you mean as in little chance? Or as in I only have a small reach to make to get in? haha.</p>

<p>i think low reach means on the border of match, whereas “high reach” means highly unlikely. i agree with the above poster. i think you’ll likely get into 2/3 of bowdoin, northwestern, and stanford, (stanford being the least likely) but you may get into all three of them. </p>

<p>good luck. the list looks good.</p>

<p>Hey Poseidenj,
I believe the rankings go in this fashion (highest chance to lowest):

  1. in
  2. match
  3. low reach
  4. reach
  5. high reach</p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Again, a couple more things!
IB psychology exam: 6
IB Biology exam: 5
IB English exam: 7
IB History exam: 6
IB Japanese exam: 5</p>

<p>Also my school doesn’t give weighted grades, so my GPAs are out of 4.00 in case you misunderstood.</p>

<p>One question-- How did you manage to acquire 110 hours for Key Club over your high school career? Most of the members at my school do around ~15 hours per year.</p>

<p>I’m just wondering how active your school is for Key Club.</p>

<p>I sign up to do alot, and I myself have gone out to find more key-club volunteer opportunities. We have a very active club though, we have the largest keyclub in the northwest, and we have received multiple awards for our activeness from our LTG.</p>