Geneseo in a nutshell?

<p>Can anyone sum up why I should attend Geneseo rather than any of the other SUNY schools? Just like maybe give a quick overview of what sets it apart from the rest and what the atmostphere is like and such. Im a junior right now and Im planning on majoring in physics, maybe minoring in philosophy.</p>

<p>I can't be of too much help because I'm still trying to decide whether I should attend Geneseo or not but my brother is a physics major there and he seems to really enjoy it. I followed him around to his classes and he had a very good physics professor and a good math teacher --his chem teacher was a little disappointing. For Geneseo vs. SUNY Buffalo, Geneseo is a liberal arts school with fairly small classes, UB is a large research university with equally large classes (my brother is in an intro chem class and there's between 30-40 students tops; I've heard UB's intro level classes exceed 100). Geneseo is usually likened to a small private university rather than a public university.</p>

<p>Hey, what happened to having you heart set on it?
Man, you're heart sure changes fast...hehe.
Well, I don't know much about Geneseo, but I do know that it's supposed to be one of the best ones...I hope. Otherwise, I'm wasting quite a bit of money. :)
Like the other person said, it depends on if you want a big or small school. Geneseo is equally as good as any other SUNY, but it happens to be in Cow Tipping, NY.
Hope I helped a little.</p>

<p>Hah nahh man I still want to go there. Even if it is in the middle of nowhere, there's still plenty to do there as I've heard; and anyways even if you were in a big city its not like you'll have ton of money or time to spend on stuff....</p>

<p>You might know that there is a new science building going up in Geneseo, so the physics, well all the science departments are gonna get moved around. Geneseo in a nutshell... if you want to be with the best and brightest this place is for you. The faculty will challenge you every step of the way. Everyone on campus including the support staff is extremely friendly. There is always something to do. This place really make you feel like home.</p>

<p>Like Ive said before, Im pretty sure I want to go there. I have one worry at the moment though. There are a lot of people that go there that I know, especially from the area I live in (CNY). Also my cousin goes there, so I already have family there. One of my best friends from the down the street is going to be a freshmen there in the fall. I just wasnt sure if It's a generally wise idea to go to a college where I already know people? A lot of kids from my school also want to go there? So idk....</p>

<p>Well, you're bound to know somebody. Unless you're off to some college in Alaska, or something crazy- and before you go there, I'm fairly sure they don't have a great physics department...- and if you know people already, it will make the whole 'adjustment period' a little better. Unless you're me, and you want nothing to do with anyone from your town...but I doubt it.
The main thing is who you're going to meet there, not who you'll know going in. Don't let that be a deciding factor!</p>

<p>Hey look, only one joke in the bunch!</p>

<p>are you sure? the geneseo brouchure for physics claims it to be a thriving department, and their main brouchure claims it to be the largest department in the state....?</p>

<p>What's percent of minorities? Do students of different backgrounds interact?</p>

<p>geneseo has a lot of stuff to do</p>

<p>So overall, would attending Geneseo for college be the right desicion to make? I mean I live in a somewhat rural part of ny state anyways so Im used to the remoteness. If Geneseo is anywhere near the status at which it holds itself as, It seems like it'd be a worthly place to go right...? Most selective state school, "public ivy," honors college, new science building....</p>

<p>Usually Into classes for Chemistry have about 350+ students.</p>

...and before you go there, I'm fairly sure they don't have a great physics department...</p>

<p>And you would be wrong... you would be hard pressed to find a physics program where students have the level of access to talented, well-respected and experienced physicists. Geneseo's physics professors devote a lot of time and energy teaching and guiding their majors. Furthermore, Geneseo physics majors have exceptional (non-trivial) research opportunities at the undergraduate level, with more funding for research from outside grants than all other departments at Geneseo combined. To address your quote specifically… The National Task Force on Undergraduate Physics used Geneseo, among 20 other schools, as an example of a thriving program. The article that summarizes the findings of the NTFUP is called “Why Many Undergraduate Physics Programs Are Good but Few Are Great.” Geneseo is one of 20 of the nation’s schools selected that is considered to have a great program. I am not saying Geneseo is in the top 20 for physics programs in the country, nor is the NTFUP, but they are certainly doing something right.</p>

<p>Um...I have no real idea about their physics deaprtment. I just know that Geneseo is a more liberal arts's a great school all around, though. Don't get me wrong about it.
I hear their bio program is super hard but amazing, maybe you can equate that with some useful information....</p>

"and before you go there, I'm fairly sure they don't have a great physics department"
"I have no real idea about their physics deaprtment."</p>

<p>That's all I really need to say. That kind of speculation can mislead people, and cause them to eliminate a school based on false information. Choosing a college is one of the most important decisions in a person's life. Sure, people shouldn't believe everything they read on the internet, but the author of false information is as much at fault. That and you offended my department, and us physics majors don’t tolerate such blasphemous remarks about our brethren ;-) .</p>

<p>My brother is going to be a 3rd year physics major (actually now a math major and physics minor...) this year and he really likes the department. Over the summer he did research modelling armor for light military vehicles. I attended one of his physics classes and it was pretty small; less than 20 students (it was analytics III or IV so only physics related majors take it I think). I sat in on an easy class but I guess for the previous three weeks they were doing partial diff. equations and getting ahead of what they were learning in math class so they were having a little break.</p>

<p>He was in a intro chem course and it was a pretty big lecture class, but no where near 350 as someone mentioned, probably closer to 100.</p>

<p>From what I understand about 20% of the entering class (including me) is taking intro bio, so that might be part of the reason why the bio department is tough; a lot of kids to weed out.</p>

<p>Well thanks for the info guys, Im fairly certian that I want to go to Geneseo now. Ive visted the campus twice, I love the atmostphere, plus I have family and friends that go there. I think it's a perfect fit...</p>

<p>Hey...I just reread my post ...because I'm really that bored...</p>

<p>And I meant that the college in Alaska doesn't have a great physics department...once again, making a generalization... but really... it was a joke.</p>

<p>Sorry if I offended you, though...</p>