Geneseo Tops "Best Undergraduate Teaching List"

<p>Geneseo</a> Tops ?Best Undergraduate Teaching? List for North Region in U.S. News & World Report Rankings | SUNY Geneseo</p>

<p>U.S. News & World Report has placed SUNY Geneseo at the top of its "Best Undergraduate Teaching" institutions list among north region universities in the publication's 2013 best colleges guidebook. The college also tied for 5th in the region in the "Up-and-Comers" category and 10th in the general north region university rankings.</p>

<p>U.S. News defines a regional university as one that offers a full range of majors and master's programs but few, if any, doctoral programs. </p>

<p>"The U.S. News rankings have been published for many years and Geneseo has consistently appeared among the top dozen or so schools in our category," said Geneseo President Christopher C. Dahl. "It doesn't surprise me at all that we have been at the top of the ‘Best Undergraduate Teaching' list in our region for two years. It confirms our faculty's commitment to excellent teaching, which is our core mission as a public liberal arts college and the reason we attract very strong students."</p>

<p>The "Best Undergraduate Teaching" colleges in the country were selected from data collected from administrators at peer institutions within their region who identified schools where the faculty demonstrated an unusually strong commitment to undergraduate teaching. Administrators also were asked to nominate "Up-and-Comer" institutions, colleges they think have recently made the most promising and innovative changes in the areas of academics, faculty, student life, campus or facilities. </p>

<p>In the general north region university rankings, Geneseo was one of three public colleges ranked in the top 20.</p>

<p>Praying my daughter gets into Geneseo.</p>

<p>Such a great school and only getting better!</p>

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