Geometry Honors

I am currently enrolled in geometry honors as a freshman, the top math class out of five. I love math, and I feel like I understand and I work a lot but I feel like it doesn’t pay off. I often panick during tests when I don’t understand a question and it backfires which results in bad grades. I currently have an 81% which I don’t think is good. a C is 78 or below. Is this a very bad grade and hold I drop the class?

If you won’t be able to get a B, then drop to regular. At my school an 81 is a C, and you do not want that. You can probably get an A in regular. If you don’t want to put in the effort, go to regular.

For a non-STEM major, it’s probably okay to drop a level. However, if you’re a STEM hopeful, think it through, maybe talk about it with your GC and parents. In DD’s high school, unless you start 9th grade in honors geometry or higher, you don’t get into calculus. To be a competitive applicant to a selective STEM program, completing Calculus 1 or higher helps you stack up against the other applicants. So look at your school’s math progression if that’s an issue.

GPA protection is important, but you need to make an informed decision based on your own plans and circumstances.

Have you tried the suggestions in this thread?