George mason Engineering transfer into Virginia tech engineering

I got waitlisted from Tech and applied to George Mason. I started to like Gmu more and more, but I’m still wondering if I can transfer into Tech’s engineering program and not loose a year

I’m not certain about the transfer option, but I did want to let you know that my D was accepted to VT and GMU for engineering and gave GMU serious thought before deciding on VT. GMU’s mechanical engineering program is relatively young (that, coupled with the fact that we live right next to GMU was what really pushed her to VT), but the university is giving a lot of money towards the program in an effort to create a competitive placement for the students. One interesting note- a friend of ours who works for Amazon told us that he believe GMU is better for computer science/engineering than both VT and UVA. Something to think about?

If you google “Virginia Tech transfer guide” you’ll be able to find out what classes transfer and which ones don’t. It’s possible to transfer if you have the right classes and good grades. I recommend you contact admissions.

You will want to review the VT curriculum and make sure the courses you take at GMU transfer and keep you on track for graduation.

Son did exactly this - went to GMU for freshman year in Engineering and transferred last year to VT to start his sophomore year. His advisor at GMU was very helpful in choosing the classes that matched VT’s engineering curriculum. Getting ready to start his junior year - loves VT!