Georgetown Admissions Fall 2022

i have a friend who has a friend that works in admission office lmao

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they mentioned either today or tues evening. i guess it’s tomorrow then

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I thought it’s April 1st. :woman_shrugging:

do you think it could still come out today?

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it’s probably too late. like it’s already past 7 pm smh


i agree with you. i heard that from someone too.

GW has just released their decisions, so, there is no synchronization between GW and GU.

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Yes. GW released at about 4:30EST, so no dice for today, it seems.

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With all the instagram stories on how older students getting their decision, it may be tomorrow to get the email

What do you mean?

In instagram, previous students sharing their stories on how they received their acceptance and how excited they were

What makes you say it will be tommrow tho?

Not sure honestly but hopefully

Any updates that might give a clue to what day it’s coming out, or is it still pure speculation?

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Their web site has always said decision release on April 1 so that would be the best guess.

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In the past it has been before Ivy day. It should be anytime now, before 1st for sure.

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This is from instagram ;

georgetownuniversity It’s decision week! By the end of this week, we’ll welcome the newest Hoyas to Georgetown it And we want to share in the good news! If you’re accepted to the Georgetown Class of 2026, tag us or use
the hashtag #Hoyas2026 while sharing your story to be featured on our channels!
#GeorgetownUniversity #HoyaSaxa


Week? :sweat_smile:

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Today??? Any idea???

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