Georgetown Admissions Fall 2022


Acceptances: U-VA, U-NC, Georgia Tech, W&M, and Virginia Tech
Waitlists: North-Eastern, U-Michigan, Vandy, Georgetown
Pending: Duke, Penn, Harvard (I’m not expecting much b/c of the waitlists, but who knows :man_shrugging:)

Thankful for all the opportunities - Gl to everyone!


D22 waitlisted to school of nursing and health studies.

Georgetown College, Undeclared
33 on ACT
international student from India
Great Interview


Thank you :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:. 35 ACT @4.6 w and 3.8 uw. merit semi-finalist and a finalist in a national engineering contest. Lots of ECs, job and athletics. Applied to global health.


Waitlisted Letters and Science
4.18 weighted
1470 sat
Lots of ECs at very competitive high school
9 APs
Admitted Cal, ISC , UC (Davis, Irvine) Santa Clara
WL at N Dame, Boston C, Santa Barbara
Rejected UCLA, Northwestern, Pitzer.


The Class of 2022 was one of the most challenging years to be admitted to Georgetown University ever. For the Class of 2022, 22,897 students applied to Georgetown University of which 3,327 students were accepted, yielding an overall acceptance rate of 14.5%. Overall applications decreased by 21.8% over last year (2021 to 2022) from 29,281 to 22,897.

That’s for class of 2022 (published 4 years ago), not class of 2026 lol. This year was 12%


Oops. Sorry

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Waitlisted. D22. 1500 SAT, 5.03 WGPA. Level 10 gymnast. Reasonable volunteering (considering 25 hours/week for gymnastics). 8 AP classes. This is the 4th Waitlist she’s received. (Accepted at 4, WL at 4, rejected by 2). I have a feeling there will more movement after May 1 than usual. I think kids are applying to more schools since standardized tests are optional. Just a thought.


DS accepted to business major! 4.17 GPA (UW) 1580 SAT


Fully agree with you! Kids are suffering from the process and test optional makes application become more unpredictable.


In the same boat! S22 rejected, 1500 SAT, 4.0 UW, lots of ECs, leadership, etc. 4 acceptances, 4 WL, and now this first rejection. Still waiting on 4 more schools. It’s clear there’s a lot of talent and confusion out there. Sending good vibes to all, and hope we can collectively free up some coveted WL spots.


They’ve had increases in applications the past few years, like all the top schools. Gtown May not have had as many this year because they still require testing so kids with poor test scores may shy away.

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So was he happy with his decision to come off the wait list I Mn late Aug? Worth it?

Can anyone share WL experience in 2021? Any data showing the likelihood of getting off WL?

Congrats! You do have many good options to chose from.

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DS accepted. Very high stats and great ECs and essays. Undecided on major.

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Generally speaking 2021 WL are not a good proxy because of all the students that deferred enrollment the year before. A large number of colleges ended up over enrolled.


Mom2WEB - he was happy with his decision - but you have to remember that it was hardcore covid times and at that point it didn’t look like any colleges were gonna have kids on campus

he zoomed the first 2 weeks of school from his bedroom here in Socal and then he moved to a hotel in Dupont Circle (it’s in DC a few blocks from campus) and he zoomed for the rest of 1st semester from a hotel room - there were actually a few girls from London doing the same - but it was kind of like THE SHINING lol - but he just wanted to go away to school

my wife found a facebook group of Georgetown Parents and she saw one of them post that their son was looking for a 5th roommate for an apartment in Georgetown - she connected our son with her son

Apparently they chatted and agreed on their musical tastes and our son moved in with 4 kids (3 were Georgetown kids and 1 was a Howard kid) and they all had their own room in a basement level of a pretty nice townhouse in DC - again a few blocks from campus …

These 5 boys fell in love with each other and even tho they had to zoom to school - they played a lot of basketball and rode their bikes around DC and near the campus …

So then … the school decided to offer a summer session for the 1st year students ON CAMPUS - so he finally got into a dorm in June - he still had to zoom to class but he was at least coming closer to a college experience …

So NOW … it’s Sophomore year and he lives with one of the kids he met in the apartment - all of them are still very close and he loves it - he plays on 2 soccer teams and has a radio show on the weekend with his roomie and he takes a lot of Physics classes lol

that’s a long answer but I will say - what many people say - even tho Georgetown was a school he never visited and kinda threw an app in after not getting his ED - (we also had never seen the school and honestly I only saw it for the first time during Sophomore Parents Weekend … it’s quite nice lol) … but the thing that people say “they end up exactly where they’re supposed to be”

for him - that is 100% true - even tho it took until F’N AUGUST !!!