Georgetown Admissions Fall 2022

Ahhhh…you are looking at the application portal. We are referring to the admitted students portal. In the past, those that could gain access (usually the day of results coming out) were likely admitted. Login

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Thank you for making me aware of that, I was confused why I was “getting in”.

Does anyone have any data on acceptance rates from previous years for McDonough undergrad business school compared to Georgetown College - Arts and Sciences?

I would like to know if it is significantly more difficult to accepted to McDonough. Thanks for any input!

If I am right, the difficulty to be admitted goes like that: everything<business<international relations


FYI, GT notified early action candidates 2 hours before the release of decisions…

Is this, this years link?

The college and business school are the most selective schools within Gtown. No difference in acceptance rates, but ~12,000 more applicants to the college.

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Thank you for the information.

Did Georgetown never have a withdraw application button?

No, it is last year’s link that is still on the application portal.

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I seem to remember one in the top right but to be honest they all might be blending together now! lol

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Any idea of date and time of rd? Does admissions have instagram? Thank you.


I never noticed the link on the portal :grinning: Hopefully it starts working today.

They posted on social media on insta and Fb . The link to last years post is on the portal , bottom right corner. They posted at 3:30 pm cst last year, they did past couple of years.

Friends - any confirmed communication on RD date/time?


Portal still says April 1, but it said December 15 for early action and they released two days early on Monday, December 13. Two days earlier than April 1 would be Wednesday next week. Last year was March 26, which was a Friday. Putting all of this information together, I can definitively project it will be any day now. :grinning:


What do you see in the bottom right corner now? I thought I remembered something there before?

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The facebook post from a year ago

Have a feeling , its not today :frowning:

I remember that being there a while ago but now it is blank and nothing shows in the bottom right anymore?! Weird!