Georgetown. Boo.

<p>I'm at Georgetown University right now. I don't really like it all that much. I'm not complaining, but I'm not that thrilled, either. It's not the college experience I thought I'd be having at a "top" university.</p>

<p>What a small, small, small campus...and a low endowment. I'm also not that interested in government or foreign service.</p>

<p>I'll probably have something like a 3.92 by the end of the first semester as a freshman. Any ideas where I should be looking for economics/ statistics/ mathematics?</p>

<p>Will coming from Georgetown with a good grade point average help in admissions at those other "top" schools?</p>

<p>If I remain here, so be it. But I don't want that "what if" moment to happen mid-junior year or something like that.</p>

<p>Any feedback, opinions, thoughts, concerns, or jokes will be appreciated.</p>

<p>Penn’s a great place =)</p>

<p>Damn, more competition.</p>