Georgetown Chances--Thanks!

<p>GPA: 4.0</p>

<p>SAT- 2200 (Writing 770, Math 670, Reading 760)</p>

<p>SAT II World History- 790
SAT II Literature- 650
SAT II US History-800</p>

<p>AP World History-5
AP US History-5
AP English Language-5
AP Psychology-5</p>

<p><em>taking 4 more AP classes this year at a small private school</em></p>

<p>AP Scholar with Honors Student</p>

<p>A- at International Law class in Harvard</p>

<p>Duke TIP International Law Institute
Duke TIP Pre-Law Institute (accepted to both)</p>

<p>Rotary Student of the Month
Model United Nations Assembly attended in Winnipeg, Canda</p>

<p>Hook-parents refugees from a Middle Eastern country</p>

<p>Speak three languages also, and have many more things but I do not want to list all of my extracurriculars!</p>

<p>***Thank you so much guys, and good luck to all of you. I really hope to see a bunch of you at Georgetown next year. I applied to the School of Arts and Sciences as well.</p>

<p>Thanks, GL, and thank you for the chance.</p>

<p>P.S.- So far I have heard and been accepted from/by UNC-Chapel Hill.</p>

<p>The fact that you got into UNC OOS (right?) is impressive in itself. Had your Math SAT score been higher, you would be a high match/in, but I think that you are a match applicant for Georgetown–for the college.</p>

<p>I agree. Steller connections with Duke and HARVARD? Wow. Looks like you’ve got a good plan going on…something georgetown definitely looks for in an applicant.</p>