Georgetown Early Action for Fall 2022 Admission

I wonder how many people actually applied EA to Georgetown this year…feels like all the threads online are very quiet. I’m seeing increases for other schools, but maybe people aren’t interested in GU as much? Curious if anyone has any insight.


My daughter has the same space on her portal page. Hopefully that’s a good sign!


Yea same. The only thing I’ve been thinking about these past few days is this decision. I keep coming back to this thread but don’t see a lot of activity.

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No same, I haven’t seen a lot of activity about GU. I know there’s a gtown class of 2026 page which has a decent following but that’s about it.

Me too, the wait has been so insufferable. It’s hard to get through the day because it’s always at the back of my mind. I hope they release it early again like last year but I’m not so sure they will.

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Welp…I’ve reached a new low. Had a dream last night where I logged into the Georgetown portal but it had changed designs (I think it was more simplistic, used different fonts, and only used royal blue and white as colors—The more I think about it, I’m pretty sure it’s basically just the Duke portal). I can’t believe I’m incessantly checking my portal even in my dreams lol.

we’re all going insane at this point… I’m wearing every piece of Georgetown merch i have and have my crystals in my pocket for good luck, i even bought a mal de ojo to ward of bad energy.

that dream though… scary. did it at least say if you got in or not

I think I was so confused by the new portal that I didn’t check my decision and instead went into a panic (pretty sure I woke up right then haha).

Personally, I don’t own a single piece of college merch outside of a few shirts and such for a local school that I will (very likely) not be attending. For some reason, I get very superstitious about things like that and don’t want to “count my chickens before they hatch”. I visited quite a few schools this spring and summer, and I outright refused to buy anything related to the school at their bookstores in fear of upsetting whatever higher power is in charge of college apps lol.

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omg so we all having the same dreams lmao

for mine the first time I had it said status update but it wasn’t loading, it was actually a tease ;-;

I wonder if the EA/ED threads for other schools have gone as crazy as this one lmao (I think I make up a very solid chunk of the frantic energy in here)

Anyone else have a new option under “Upload Materials”? It used to just have Resume as an option. but now it has “Student Submitted Update for Admissions Committee.”

I think both of those have always been there

Yup they’ve always been there. I submitted an update letter towards the end of November!

Honestly I’m giving off a very “everything will be fine” vibe on here but irl i’m actually going insane. like the anticipation is killing me… i haven’t dreamt of georgetown as far as i remember tho, but it’s all i can talk about at this point.

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I am having the opposite experience…Losing my mind online, but I don’t really talk anymore about Georgetown irl and I don’t think anyone else even knows when my decision is. Y’all are the only people who know how stressed I am :heart:

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Does anyone know if the decision is coming earlier than December 15?

I also have this space, does it mean something? Or was it always there?

Ugh I just want to know if I got in already, literally if I get in Wednesday I would want to commit hahahha

At this point I haven’t seen anyone who doesn’t have it yet, so I’m guessing it probably doesn’t mean anything :cry: